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Latest answers from hira

Aku ga lolos sbmptn 😭😭

hiii! aku pernah ada di posisi km 2 tahun lalu. it is still one of the biggest heartbreak ive ever had in my life. it was so hard to accept the fact that i got rejected. i was questioning my own worth, did i do something wrong, why did i keep failing, and so on and so forth. it wasnt easy for me to finally be here, accepting all my past, and moving on from it. it must not be easy for you too! kl kata org, one day you'll find a wisdom behind this. now, this might sound so cliche and bullshit. but one day, you'll understand why people say this. keep evaluating urself. find ur mistakes, fix it, be better. it is okay to fail and be so sad about it. take ur time to process everything. trust me, a year or two later, you'll be fine with whatever path u are given! keep believing in God's plans because He knows best as we know.

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Guys nanya dong, aku harus jujur gak ke orang tua aku, bahwa sebenarnya aku punya gangguan ocd, sumpah udah gak kuat nahan sendiri, tapi aku juga takut kalo bicara jadi beban orang tua aku. Masukkan kalian bakal aku terima, apapun

yes you should. tp i do not know much about ur family condition so u can tell them when u think it is the right time. even if they deny it/tell u anything bad/some sort of like that, it is okay. at least u try enough to explain what ure going through at this moment. semangat<3 smg segera smbuh jgg

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"Aku kaya gini tuh cuma ke kamu doang" kira2 kamu percaya ga?

hmm idk. depends on his/her personality jgsih. not everyone doing this means lying.

kalo cowo lu balik ke mantannya, trs dia juga gamau pisah dari lu, apa yg lu lakuin?

let him go. krn klpun bertahan it will only hurt me even more. he needs to choose.

Saya ingin mendengar pendapat kalian. Jadi saya ini mahasiswa semester 8, saya ingin berhenti kuliah karna merasa tidak sanggup mengerjakan dan tidak ada niat melanjutkan skripsi saya. semenjak mengerjakan skripsi saya tidak bisa merasakan ketenangan. Menurut kalian saya harus melakukan apa ?

1. look for the answer of why do u feel like ure not capable of finishing ur thesis? apakah krn biaya, kapabilitas otak, atau hal2 lainnya. it's normal for doubting ur capability sometimes. tapi tanpa kita sadarin, we actually are beyond what we think we are. kita tuh sbrnnya bisa loh, kuat loh, mampu loh. krn kalo engga, we are not where we are. kl dlm agamaku dblg kalo Tuhan itu gaakan put us on a situation yg kita gbs overcome. so if u think that u cannot finish it, cb dipikir lagi. is it really I CANNOT or i do not wanna do it. krn sesulit apapun kl km niat dan ada motvasi, apapun caranya pst akan km cari dan km lakuin. tp kl dr niat dan motivasi aja udh gada u might find urself lost. makanya di cari tau apa yg membuat km lack of motivation to finish ur thesis.
2. merasa gatenang itu wajar bgt. i aint doing my thesis yet tp some situation made me anxious a lot. but i try to seek apa sih yg buat gue gatenang. is it because the situation itself that is too threatening or is it just me making up the situation as if it is so bad and hard to overcome. dalam situasi yg sulit gini pasti kita seirng bgt ngerasa gatenang. this is where God plays a role. gatenang itu biasanya krn kita ngerasa cemas sm bbrp/banyak hal yg uncertain. itu knp Tuhan selalu bilang to put ur trust on Him. krn semua itu ada dikendali-Nya. i might now know exactly how it feels but i hope u can find the answers of ur confusion right now. dont stop to ask God to make ur hardship becomes ease. krn ketenagan bersumber dr Tuhan! semangat.

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tukeran sosmed sama pacar, menurut kamu?

menurut aku sih tergantung dr gmn keputusan dr diri kalian dengan pasangan ya. tp i prefer to have our own privacy krn imo krn kita masih pacaran we dont have the obligation to do it. i appreciate his privacy and so does he. oiya somehow not knowing everything brings peace too!

Guys, klo ada yg tanya "lo kok kerjanya ga sesuai jurusaan sih" jawabnya gmn?:(

if i were u id probably answer with "ya gapapa mungkin emg rezeki gue di sini? life is somehow a mystery isnt it?" as simple as that. live ur life as you will. jgn terganggu sm hal2 kaya gt krn we never know how life will go.

Language: English