
The Original White Walker

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Hey, I like your name bro. I need advice as a fellow bro, basically me and my gf just broke up and now she's having anxiety problems, even though we decided to break it off I still care for her. Her bestfriend told me that she hasn't been sleeping also she's a bit emotionally unstable. Any tips?

Pop up on Facebook please. My friend could help you out :)

Paul McCartney said: "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian." What do you think about it?

I like bacon :3

hahaha jealous bitch ;) i may not know her well, but she is so beautifuly natural, just because she is smart and doesnt put loads of make up on or dress slutty does not make her ugly, this is a girl saying it btw, js hoe. rant over you low life and go back to your street corner, thank you :)

How lovely, a rant. On my ask.fm -_- but Charlotte is pretty :) thank you yet again mrs anon :)

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Man I would touch that pile of shit with a ten foot barge pole. Whoever said they would smash her back doors I feel sorry for you and your misconception of good eye sight

You clearly are going to be a 40 yr old virgin

whoever is hating on Charlotte.... omfg, you jealous cunts, she is so pretty omdz haha, wow, smd bitches, she is beautiful, i would smash her back doors in ;)

Wow. Charlotte has a fan XD But yeah, STOP BEING MEAN TO HER!! And thank you Charlotte's fan :)

Yes. she has an ok smile. But that does does not hide the fact that she is ugly as fuck

Hey. I have a game. It's called "You shut the fuck up with your bullshit opinion which is not valid"

You are simply are douchebag. Can you please stop being a douchebag?

Everyone has an opinion. Why don't you come off anon or if you don't have ask.fm message me. Pussy :P

oi thats just mean whoever said that to alex. dont listen to him/her alex

Well they are the pussy because they can't leave a name

fucking wanker i hate u, you think you can beat me up but you really can't you pussy

how about leaving a name. Its pussy like not to leave a name. Just saying sir faggot.


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