Ask @baekjei

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kakjei aku baru baca update wp kaka yg "drunk". itu beneran jae kisses syira's lips?? trs gmn reaksi Bayu if he knew that his girl was being kissed by the other guy??? huhuhu bikin greget

Haloooo hahahah ditunggu aja ya lanjutannya, nanti ada kok reaksinya gimana, tapi ya gak detail ;)

Anw, time frame "for: s" sama "Around Her" di wattpad jauh sekali lho, beda setahun hahaha. Jadi kalo mau tau reaksi rincinya Bayu, harus sabar nunggu aku update "Around Her" yah mwach.

terry dong kakjey! terimakasih???

I always wonder about what kind of thoughts people have on their mind everytime they see someone like me
Someone who always put on a cold expression wherever I go
Someone who always try to give a dead end on every discussion

A heartless man?
Someone who can feel properly?
Someone who is not approachable?
Well, I think someone with that kind of thoughts has never been experiencing a great loss

I used to be brighter
I was just a boy who likes to draw
I love sketching and painting
My first drawing was the picture of my family
I love them, they love me
I always consider myself as the luckiest son in the world

Only until my mother passed away when I was 15
And when my father decided to leave me and my sister alone 2 years later
He said that he couldn't stay here as there are so many memories about my mother
He said that we are mature enough to live alone
He left us to Japan alone

Since then,
all I did was drawing
The shades of all of my paintings became blue
A dark blue
Until my sister pulled me back into reality and told me not to be sad for so long,
that we got to live normally,
the shades became softer
I soothed my heart with the colors

Terry Yoneshi is known as a cold guy from the law faculty who uses a lot of blue in his mural art,
well, I like that.

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Kak jeiii it7 januar kenapa kok bisa kecelakaan sampe lupa semua gitu????:(( ingin menangis bacanya:"(

iyaa itu udah lama pas dia kecil :") nanti aku ceritain ya kalau sempat.....
Liked by: Houdahamani

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What was your dream when you were 8 years old?
Haha, I knew it,
guess what's mine!

I once wanted to be a pilot
I dreamt of having flying overseas as my job
I don't have to pay to go abroad
but got paid instead
My parents have brought me to a lot of countries since I was a kid
I have travelled a lot more than the kids in my age!

That was one of the reasons why I wanted to be a pilot
I want to discover a lot of places
I want to meet a lot of people with different cultures
I want to be a captain
I want to say, "This is your captain speaking."

But before getting the chance to discover them
I discovered that I suffer color-blindness
I thought colors are not that diverse
I just knew that I have been seeing a few of those colors

They said that I can't be a pilot
I can't be a doctor as well
I can't be an engineer
I can't have the same dreams as the kids in my age

But then my dad told me a story to console my heart
A story about this country's history
A story that made a young boy who has been thinking of leaving this country often,
think that he should do something for this country first

I got to be the minister of finance.
Can you imagine? Me, Andhara, as the minister of finance?
It must be really great, right?
I will still be travelling often, though!

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ngeliat gambar yang di tengah paling bawah, jadi ngebayangin gimana kalo januar ngambil darah heuehu keknya ga bakal ada yang prote meheh

heheheheh tapi jangan minta diambil terus darahnya ya :(

januar ya ka jei hehe

My mom said that since I started to learn how to spell D-O-C-T-O-R,
she had seen my eagerness to be one
I always love going to the hospital even until now
And when I was younger,
I often fake a sickness only to meet the doctors and nurses in the hospital
They understood
They knew that I just want to be like them later
The young me was happy for the informal medical education back then
But the journey to reach my childhood dream wasn't easy
I once got into a severe accident that resulted in a temporary memory lost
It happened when I was 10
I forgot everything I have learned
All of the medical trivia I got from my favorite doctors
The memories of going back and forth to the hospital with a wide smile

I struggled really hard to get them back
My parents said that they nearly gave up,
they told me to gave up as I kept on feeling pain every time I tried to remember everything
They didn't want to see me hurt
But I didn't,
I kept on trying even if it kills me
I struggled for years
I studied as well as trying to gain back my memories
As they said that efforts won't betray
And here I am now.
Januar, a third-year medical student, I made it, in my desired university.

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tinggi badan kamu berapa?

.... gatau terakhir ngukur sih 157, dan itu kayanya ga nambah2 dari smp.

Kak jeyy, moodboard nya di edit picsart bukan?

dibikinin sama ka shilaaa, aku gatau ka shila bikin dimana
tapi kalo aku iya bikin moodboard selalu di picsart hehehehe
Liked by: Hasnah


There are things that I never thought would happen in my life
One of them is being a DJ
I remember being a socially-awkward person when I was younger
I avoid people
I avoid discussion
I would rather be an observer than the center of attention
I observe people more often than I eat
Like, seriously, haha

I remember almost fainting in my first day of being a DJ
I couldn't stand the crowd
I couldn't stand the noise
I wanted to give up and become the usual observer in class
I wasn't ready for the attention

But when I realize the goodness of composing
The great feeling of getting so much praises,
seeing people enjoying my own composed rhythm and beats
Even the temporary heavenly feeling when I smoke with my closest ones after performing
I knew that here, is where I belong to

I would still be the usual observer
Only the objects are increasing in numbers
And the place is no longer a monotonic and monochromatic room
It has colors
Full of mixes of minds and behaviors

Hey, I am Marten.
A full-time psychology student and observer, plus a part-time DJ.

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kak aku baru tau jae itu waktu nonton after school club anaknya gak bisa diem gitu ya kak and he fluents in english as well wkwkkwkw

Yeeees huhuhu memang sangat gak bisa diam, kamu udah liat tweetsnya dia belum.... duh omg ini orang lucu parah. Tapi nyarinya di tempat lain macem tumblr dll soalnya dia udah deactivate.
Liked by: Hernissa Savitri

Kak jey, kak mayang itu kuliah di ui juga ya? Jurusan apa?

komunikasi squad bersama kenzo bayu camilla.
Liked by: S❤

waaahhh kebayang banget joni hebohnya kayak apa hahahaha semangat kak nulisnya

guys, so, kak Shila sejak kemarin udah bikin moodboards buat beberapa member nct / chatroom and they look soooo nice. kalian mau gak aku bikinin drabble dari moodboards itu? kali iya, feel free to drop their name ya! nama indonesianya aja kayak januar/terry/johnny :)

Jeyi aku bangga sama kamu akhirnya kamu mempunyai cinta lain selain Baek.

aku senang semuanya bangga sama aku, akhirnya aku jatuh di dua hati :)
#np Dua Hati - Afgan
Liked by: Narnica

hangulnya jae kan 제이 kalo dibaca jei dong :)

iya makanya kan :)
kan :)
udah rekomendasi lagu sesuai mulu :)
hangeul sama :)
hah :)
maunya apa ya hidup ini :)
Liked by: ayaya

kak aku non kpop, tapi yang barusan di pap itu lucu banget mukannya ? ngegemesin itu namanya siapa?

jae namanyaaaaa T__T
lengkapnya park jaehyung, gitaris & vokalisnya day6 ;) kamu harus search day6 jae di youtube dan kamu akan sayang meskipun kamu non kpop~

Kak jeyi, letisha kan visualnya itu chaeyeon, kalo shila sama tweety itu siapa kak visualnya?

Kenapa masih banyak yg nganggep tweety itu bagian dari cast sih..... she was just marten's friend who happened to talk to him at that time T_T
kalo shila yha kak shila, kenal ndak?


Language: English