
Bands Keep Alive

I've been following a parody account for a while. And today I talked to them and found out who they really are. Now I'm trying to talk them out of self harm. How....? They trusted me so quick and I don't want to lose it.

Well, it's not easy. But I think that what you have to do is let them know you care, show them that self harm is not the answer, and that they're not alone. It'll be better if you know the actual reason why they do it, so you have more possibility of helping them. Also, they need to know that when they self harm they're not just hurting themselves

Latest answers from Bands Keep Alive

How do you deal with the lame haters?

I basically ignore them so they see whatever they say doesn't affect me!

If you could meet any one famous person, who'd it be?

Only one? This isn't fair... I don't really know, can't choose :(

Language: English