
Bands Keep Alive

Do you realize that these people know more about depression than you?

I know they know more about depression than I do. But I also know people who are actually clinically depressed and never asked for help. They got help but it wasn't their choice. They got help after a failed suicide attempt.
I'm not saying I know more about depression; there's a lot of things about depression I don't know. But there are also a lot of things about depression you don't know. You should give this link a read: http://studentsagainstdepression.org/get-support/building-support-networks/whats-stopping-you-getting-help/
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Latest answers from Bands Keep Alive

How do you deal with the lame haters?

I basically ignore them so they see whatever they say doesn't affect me!

If you could meet any one famous person, who'd it be?

Only one? This isn't fair... I don't really know, can't choose :(

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