
Bands Keep Alive

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im alinr

Please, call someone! Phone or text them or whatever. I love you, please, you need to call someone

I'm scared i cant find the phone too dizzy

If there's someone in your house or wherever you are tell them!

I feel guilty if I leave because I left this morning to do something and accidentally fell asleep and then they broke.

It's not your fault, and you have to think of yourself before of the others

How do I tell them it's triggering. They are happier now and were just talking but I'm still upset. I want to talk to them still

Maybe you should tell them you need some time without talking to them, and when you feel like you can talk to them again without feeling triggered, talk to them

I'm sorry but i have to give up. I've already taken the pills you've helped me sooooo much and ily bye

No, you don't. Call someone, an ambulance or whatever, please, don't end your life. It's not your time to leave this world!

I'm trying not too. I feel like a fucking hypocrite for telling them one thing and doing the other.

You're not a hypocrite for that. You're telling them not to do it because deep inside you you know it's not the right thing. But it's hard not to cut sometimes, but stay strong, you're better than that

Cut myself.

Don't do it, please. I understand that you want to help that parody, but if doing it triggers you, you should stop doing that. Before helping anyone you have to take care of yourself and help yourself. And cutting won't help you in any way

What do you do when you have insomnia

I stay with my computer for a very long while, and then I listen to some quiet music hoping it'll make me sleep

I've been following a parody account for a while. And today I talked to them and found out who they really are. Now I'm trying to talk them out of self harm. How....? They trusted me so quick and I don't want to lose it.

Well, it's not easy. But I think that what you have to do is let them know you care, show them that self harm is not the answer, and that they're not alone. It'll be better if you know the actual reason why they do it, so you have more possibility of helping them. Also, they need to know that when they self harm they're not just hurting themselves

Why are you so nice to everyone.

I think that everyone deserves to be treated good, so I guess that's the reason ^-^

i don't have a twitter but i have kik

Then we can talk there if you want to. If so, message me yours and I'll message you there

the thing is they are true. I did make my mom leave. she would be here if I wasn't here. her explanation was she couldn't take care of three girls and I'm the youngest I'm the one who made her leave i just can't

Hey, listen to me, okay? You didn't make your mom leave, you didn't. Do you want to talk about this, like on twitter or something like that so nobody sees either? I'm here for you, you're not alone


I don't know what they tell you, but the insults, the bad things they tell you, aren't true. People lie a lot, because they think they're better by doing it, when they're not. They're not better than you

i am if you saw my questions box you'd see I'm a nothing but a emo ugly forgotten nobody

Hey, hey, hey, one moment. Do people insult you and put you down?

like who am i someone to other then my dad?

Maybe there's someone who actually cares about you and a lot. And, even if not, you should stay strong for yourself too. Because you deserve to live and to be happy

Is there anywhere we can talk so you won't know?

Well, I have besides twitter that we can talk, tumblr and kik


Language: English