
Basics of Sikhi

Thanks to responding to my last question (you said that I am Sikh since I'm researching the path and belief in the fundamental believes, wooohoo!). Where would you advise I go from here, how can I learn to meditate and do you recommend any resources and in particular the best translations of GGSJi?

I would advise you to find Sangat in your area, a local Gurdwara meet up and try and attend programmes, if not start something together. I would recommend you start Nitnem (daily routine), start with waking earlier than normal, having shower and doing simran of "Waheguru" and then listen and follow along in Romanized to Japji Sahib.
One cannot learn how to meditate properly on their own, Naam (Waheguru mantar) is only obtained from 5 Pyare when taking Amrit which with Guru's Kirpa who can be blessed with. English translations of Gurbani don't really do justice therefore l would recommend you start going through the 'Japji Sahib Katha playlist' on our channel. It covers the basics all in English ji.
Liked by: Nick Singh
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Latest answers from Basics of Sikhi

My mom works nights and does nitnem there, but she doesnt always have the time. When is her amritvela, when she comes home from work? Please answer

Sikhi is practical, remember Amrit Vela is not only the time before sunrise but any time we connect to Vaheguru. She can read the Bani after work.

with exams around the corner, i find myself procrastinating and not having any will to study or do work. can u suggest any shabads that would help motivate me

kabeer kaal kara(n)thaa abehi kar ab karathaa sue thaal ||
Kabeer, that which you have to do tomorrow - do it today instead; and that which you have to do now - do it immediately!

I want to take amrit and have the 5ks but I am still at school where they don't allow kirpans, is there anything I can do about that?

Dont let that stop you, you can wear a kirpan to school of certain size limit.

Language: English