
Basics of Sikhi

Gurbani kirtan, devotional music to God, dharmic movies would help develop pyar for Guru. But some amritdharis like to sing / listen to worldly music and watch worldly movies. Is this ok? How can these develop the pyar for Guru as most of these are full of love for women, lust, violence, etc?

That's not right ! If they're doing this then ask them why they're listening to such music and see what they say.
Instead of looking at those people, why not instead look at inspirational people that will help us - look at Baba Deep Singh Ji did 100+ Japji Sahibs a day and also Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale who did as many Japji Sahibs a day.

Latest answers from Basics of Sikhi

My mom works nights and does nitnem there, but she doesnt always have the time. When is her amritvela, when she comes home from work? Please answer

Sikhi is practical, remember Amrit Vela is not only the time before sunrise but any time we connect to Vaheguru. She can read the Bani after work.

with exams around the corner, i find myself procrastinating and not having any will to study or do work. can u suggest any shabads that would help motivate me

kabeer kaal kara(n)thaa abehi kar ab karathaa sue thaal ||
Kabeer, that which you have to do tomorrow - do it today instead; and that which you have to do now - do it immediately!

I want to take amrit and have the 5ks but I am still at school where they don't allow kirpans, is there anything I can do about that?

Dont let that stop you, you can wear a kirpan to school of certain size limit.

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