
Basics of Sikhi

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VJKK VJKF, Deplorable scenario has happened to me with my sri sahib. It fell into the toilet pot (loose strap that hold the handle). I did ardaas for my mistake but wan't having any other shri sahib so I just washed it with soap and used again. I'm quite sure it's wrong. Any viewpoint? BOS _/\_

VJKK VJKF! Vaheguru !! Follow the voice inside and do whatever it says, if you thing its OK now then that's fine but if not I would recommend reading some Bani e.g Japji Sahib, Mool Mantar Jaap for Kirpan coming off body. And extra Jaap for Beadbi of Kakkar.

My kanga broke this morning, I had a spare one so I put that one in. What should I do about the old one? And is there anything else I should do besides ardas?

See Kakkars as blessed gifts from Guru Gobind Singh Jee. I would suggest doing Sanskaar - burning it.

Before I went on holiday last week I began to grow my hair beacuse I really wanted to take amrit, when I went on holiday I drank alcohol now I feel I've come off track to sikhi how can I get back on track?

All Guru's Play. Amrit keeps us together and it will help us from falling. Best thing to do is to prepare now with your 5 Kakkars and keep Rehat and do Ardaas to be blessed with Amrit. When the opportunity comes don't delay!

VJKK VJKF ! What's the difference between sat sangat and sadh sangat ?

VJKK VJKF! According to my understanding, SadhSangat is where Sangat are trying to reach the goal of merging with Vaheguru, Sadhna means trying to sort yourself out to merge with the one.
SatSangat is where the Sangat have reached the truth - become one with Vaheguru.

what should be done with excess ghee from the Kara Prashad? Pinderpal Ji said in one katha that we should respectfully wash our hands with water. but I see people rubbing the ghee on their hands,beards,etc. I agree with what Pinderpal ji says,but when I tell people they don't agree.

Karah Prashad is a blessing as Gurbani is read as its made, and its also blessed with the Kirpan which is form of Guru, so Guru eats first and blesses the Parshaad. We should get into the habit of washing hands and respecting it.

Is doing paaht like getting therapy? If it's better then therapy, how long does it take to start having an effect?

Yes - another analogy is like medicine you have to take it daily at the right time. It will have an effect if we do it regularly.

Why is god mentioned in so many different names like ram or Allah in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Ik Oangkaar - there's only ONE God that crated the whole creation. Its doesn't matter which name we are using for God, but the most important thing is that we Jap that Naam!

is it okay if i read japji sahib,tav parsad svaiye, chaupai sahib and anand sahib. and then i listen to jaap sahib while tying my dastaar and getting ready for uni at the end. just because i dont understand jaap sahib much, so i just speak along while its playing. or do we have to do it in order?

Best to do them in order as that's how the Panj Piare recited them in Amrit Sanchaar. Its fine that you listen but be present. Listening is very important as Sunia (listening) comes before Mania (following) in Japji Sahib.
Try just getting up 5/10 mins earlier, make that little effort and Guru Sahib will take thousands of steps more towards you.

Why is the Sangat of Gursikhs important?

Gurbani tells us:
The virtues of the Sangat, the Holy Congregation, are so very great. Even the prostitute was saved, by teaching the parrot to speak the Lord’s Name. (Ang 981)
Whatever company we keep that's what we will become (Jesse Sangat Tesse Rangat). Gursikhs will rub onto us the love and thirst for Vaheguru - see for yourself. Even if you may be a sinner but if you keep doing Sangat of those blessed Gursikhs that follow the Guru, you can try as much as you want but you wont be able to resist accepting the Guru's way. Then a time will come where you will be longing day and night for SatSangat.

My dad passed away a month ago. My mom, siblings and I plan to take his ashes to Kiratpur Sahib, Punjab. However, I have read online by some that this is pakhand and that bc there is no religious significance and God is everywhere you can immerse them in any flowing river anywhere in the world?

Vaheguru! Answered your own question ;) yes you can put them in any flowing river.

I did something recenetly that I am not proud of e.g. laugh at someone accidently-and I am scared that it may come to me as karma, how do I ask God for forgiveness

Good thing you realised your mistake for a start thank Vaheguru. Just pray from your heart for forgiveness and don't do it again.

Are Sikhs suppose to avoid blind rituals such as vegetarianism , Caste , Superstitions , Hindu rituals , and worship Waheguru only ?

Exactly !!! With vegetarianism, Giani Kulwant Singh Jee explained something really well. He was talking about the 4 Bujjer Kurehats at that it says Kuttha - Sikhs cannot eat Halal meat. He said that it says we cant eat Halal meat but that doesn't mean we can eat normal meat. The reason it's written like this is because Guru Sahib didn't want us to become vegetarian extremists who would rather die from starvation and not touch meat when its a last resort. And Guruji didn't want us to be extremist in the way as the people nowadays that wear masks not to breathe in any living organisms.
We should follow Rehat and understand it and then we will realise it wont be an empty ritual.


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