
Basics of Sikhi

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the next weeks are really important, because i will write my last exams. what should i do?

Revise and be prepared and do Ardaas.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

SENSITIVE question but maharaj knows I have pure sharda in mata gujri and mata Ji knows that I love her but is it true she committed suicide by jumping of the thanda burj? Forgive me for asking but daas just wants to understand the extent of this painful period. Bull chuk

Firstly we've got to understand that Mata Gujjar Kaur was at a very high spiritual level having been married to Guru Teg Bahadur Ji and given birth to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. There are 2 different versions of what happened but after she heard the news of Chotte Sahibzade Shaheedi she either left her breath in the cold tower and merged back with Akaal Purakh. Also she may have jumped off the tower herself not having the will to live anymore. Either way she was Shaheed.

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Is it okay to listen to paath when doing my hair and getting dressed if I am in a rush in the morning

We should make effort to wake up a bit earlier to do our Paath that's the whole point really. Yes it is fine to listen while getting ready.

Vaheguroo Jee I do not have much sikhi in my family but I have a best friend that is very strong in her sikhi, she is what I aspire to be like but she has a lot of krodh and is also very negative about a lot of things, should I still do sangat of her?

Vaheguru - remember no one is perfect, if its helping you get closer to Guru then carry on. Maybe help her control Anger.

Paath saved me from myself. I used to be suicidal and used to self harm a lot last year but I've Been doing a lot of paath recently but I feel like I might be slipping back into those dark times and I'm not sure what to do anymore. Is there any paath that will help me be happy for once...

Make sure you read the paath daily and keep a Nitnem, minimum read Japji Sahib in morning, Rehras in evening and Sohila at night. When you get extra time just read Chaupai Sahibs and if you can then also Sukhmani Sahib.

wjkk wjkf! how to handle arrogant people? even when they're wrong,they'll still be arrogant? how to treat them - be it a stranger,a family member,a friend? as Guru ji says - mith bolra jee, but I find it difficult with such people and my tone changes to anger.

VJKK VJKF! Even though you may have that anger don't let it out try and keep it in you at minimum. It is very hard but these are the situations where we are tested, there's not point in arguing over something you know you won't win. Best thing to do is walk away.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What is the Sikh view on Buddha? Is it acceptable for a Sikh to study Buddha's teachings, as they describe attachment (moh) and teach a person how to overcome it.

Guru's encouraged us to study all texts of all faiths but not to forget our own!
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Is Sikhi in the same danger of becoming like the Catholic Church, with all the rigid rules and restrictions, but missing the heart, which is how Sikhi started. It seems that way, as a lot of Sikhs are becoming very dogmatic.

I can understand your point... Sikhi is all about love and our Rehat isn't there to be all strict and fussy for the sake of it but it's a support to help us on this path and remember death - 'Maryada'.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I want to take amrit now so does that mean when I get married I have to find a wife that will take amrit?

In Rehat Maryada it states an Amritdhari can marry non-Amritdhari as long as they will be encouraged to take Amrit in future. However it is best to marry an Amritdhari so you're both on the same path.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What do you do if you made a very bad mistake? Like 7 8 years ago at the time I didn't know what I was doing was wrong but I keep thinking about it and feeling very guilty

Its pointless living in the past as whatever had happened has happened and it cannot be changed, we need to learn to live in the present. Learn to forgive yourself too and carry on walking on the path.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can we do naam simran in bathroom

With each and every breath, he constantly remembers the Lord in meditation; not a single breath passes in vain. (Dhan Guru Amar Daas Ji)
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Gurfateh Ji! We own a liquor store in America and we owned it before becoming gursikhs and the store is the main breadwinner in the family. Is it right for a gursikh to own or work at a liquor store where you are touching boxes and bottles of liquor and tobacco?

VJKK VJKF! Its hard to say really as I cant tell you not to work. Personally I wouldn't recommend it but when you ask some Mahapurakhs they will cone out with you can if you're not consuming. So its not for me to judge. Would strongly recommend asking Guru, take a Hukamnama and you'll get a direct answer!

Which of the following is better? Rising at 1am to do naam simran and nitnem at home, or rising at 4am and doing nitnem at home and naam simran 5-6am at gurdwara?

I can't really give a definite answer but the more effort you put in to wake up earlier the more Guru will bless you. For some people Simran in Sangat works better if so then get Sangat too.

Had a really random thought whilst studying for my law exam :P You know how Christians and Muslims swear by their respective holy texts in the court. What provisions are available for Sikhs? Coz we obv can't just casually bring in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...

Back in the days people used to trust the Sikhs as they knew that the Khalsa can never lie. We shouldn't be swearing oaths on our Guru because who are we to do that. Just speak the truth...

I live in London but not in West London so I can not vote for Tera Panth Vasse. What else can I do to support them?

Spread the word and try and make change in your local Gurdwara!
Liked by: Harjot Gopi ✋

My Dad is forcing me to cut my hair , and I want to keep it , what shall I do ? /:

Explain with love why you want to keep your hair and make sure you explain nicely and do not argue. Tell him that you want to follow Guru and live a better life and show that you will still care for your parents and do their Seva too.


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