
Basics of Sikhi

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What happens to the body when the dasam duaar opens? Does blood come out as it is a physical opening in the head? Will our central nervous system pick this up as painful?

Vaheguru - its not a physical opening, that would be scary! Its something I cant really describe with words, its an amazing blissful experience and you will only know when it happens.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

When going through a surgery, the doctors are required to remove the hair that will be in the way. Is it O.K. to give consent to the doctors to do such?

Hanji, when it comes down to medical issues we can. Just go for pesh afterwards jee.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Qs for the sevadars answering these questions: are you finding that doing this seva is helping you in your own personal journey in Sikhi as it's causing you to think, contemplate, and research more? Are you learning from this experience as well?

Vaheguru - definitely! Daas is learning a lot too, don't know everything but trying to share what I know. Thanks to sadhsangat ji.

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Paaji as Chandi di vaar is very hard to read would listening to it have the same effect

Hanji, Guru Amar Daas ji tells us that listening is most important as it comes first in this Pankti:
Pure are the listeners, and pure are the speakers; the True Guru is all-pervading and permeating.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

VJKK VJKF! I am an Amritdhari girl, and I really want to tie dastar. Even after watching videos I cant do it. I am not a good person, I have been falling into kaam and I am trying to be better, I can't help but think Guru Ji is telling me something here?I feel like Im not good enough. Please help!

Vjkk, Vjkfateh,
The most powerful thing we have is Ardaas. The first step to ardaas is to surrender before the Guru and accept loss & say Guru Sahib only you are my support, pleas help me.

What exactly Is naam, is naam also listening to and chanting gurbani as well as saying vaheguru

One arth of Naam is:
Na - no
Meh - me
Naam is where there is no ego and just Vaheguru. 'Haumai Naavai Naal Virodh Hai, Duey Na Vasey Ik Thaahi' - ego and Naam are opposites and both cant exist at the sane time.
Naam includes Gurbani too as long as we lose the ego and connect to Vaheguru.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

A Singh told me that you shouldn't read chandi di vaar at night because then you will see snakes and stuff from the spiritual word as durga comes to you is this correct?

Hanji. It comes in Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji's biography on page 63. He was reading Chandi di Vaar at night and Shaheed Singhs came to him and said....
"If you start reciting the prayer of Chandi di Vaar after sunset then, one must keep reciting it continuously through the night until dawn. Two or more Singhs may take turns to recite this prayer through the night, it is all right to do so. One must sit upon a clean mat or bed, bathing before reciting the prayer. An oil lamp lit with clarified butter should be kept alight throughout the night. During the day, one can recite Chandi di Vaar as many times as one wants. There is no specific practice to reciting the prayer except that one reads the prayer with devotion and understanding.” After explaining these instructions, the Singh’s disappeared through the doors towards the direction they came from.

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I'm a teen now and iv really been interested in gatka am I too old to join and how do I get the courage to go sign up

Never too late for Gatka ji, the only person stopping you is YOURSELF, just sign up !
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What is the meditation and how are we suppose to meditate?

Please see video below which goes through how Sikhs meditate and why:
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Do we Sikhi believe in the saying 'What we think is what we get'?

We have three things that are judged when we die. Man (thoughts), Bach (speech), Karam (actions), everything we do originates from a single thought. If we keep thinking negatively then we will eventually speak negatively and then act negatively so yes.
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Rani kaur

What makes a life form better or worse than another? I.e why is a life as a horse considered to be better than a life of a dog for example

Less pain in some life forms.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

People often say that one shouldnt read Chandi di Vaar unless they are at a certain spiritual stage. Why is this? And what would happen if you did?

No ji, its fine to read Chandi di Vaar, but be warned, it's powerful !!
Liked by: Gopi ✋

This is a weird question , my friends like to go for fishing ... I don't fish , but is it okay if I go with them to hangout .

Personally I wouldn't, find some SadhSangat! ;)
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Will guru sahib still flrgive me if i went pesh 4 times about the sane issue?

Only Panj Pyare and Guru and forgive, there's no difference between them. Remember that Guruji's forgiveness is beyond our comprehension.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

What is Sikhi's view on inhaling marijuana with no tobacco? Possibly to help with medidation

We don't need marijuana when we can get high of Naam.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Why is the human population increasing? Does that mean more souls are being given the chance to be liberated?

Part of the play, cant say why and yes that's right!
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Why were souls made?

Part of Vaheguru's game. We were separated from the One and now we have to work to go back to where we came from.
Liked by: Gopi ✋


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