
Basics of Sikhi

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Why do we hear sikhs always saying that we do not believe in conversion, when we all know that without peaceful conversion of Hindus and Muslims by guru sahib ji Sikhi would not have existed and why do we not carryout the sikhi dahvah to the world with the same conviction as Muslims

Davinder Singh
It is not a Sikh's mission to 'convert'. Our mission is Degh, Tegh, Fateh - please refer to our video on this. Also God is not bound to Sikhi, so why should we try and convince others to follow this path? Please look at the Shabad "Koi bole Raam Raam" - beautifully recited by Bhai Satvinder and Bhai Harvinder :-)
Liked by: Gopi ✋

WJKK WJKF I would like to start doing simran more often but am unsure of how to go about it. Should I learn Gurmukhi first? Is there a specific order for the paaths or something else I need to keep in mind? Sorry if this has been asked before! Thanks.

Simran means to remember God - there is no specific language for this. If you want to learn what your Gurus are saying then learn Gurmukhi - which we encourage. Do continue to do paat.
Morning Paat is Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Savaiye, Chaupai Sahib and Anand Sahib.
Evening - Rehras Sahib and Anand Sahib
Bed time - Kirtan Sohila
Dont forget ardas too ji :-)
Liked by: Gopi ✋

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We should all do waheguru simran, but is it ok to remember shaheeds singh or chant name of shaheed singh like "dhan dhan baba deep singh ji" over and over again.

Yes of course, if it is helping you connect to Vaheguru
Liked by: Gopi ✋

vjkk vjkf.... i am struggling to wakeup at amritvela. i have been amritdhari for nearly a year and have not managed a routine. Its so hard to make routine and so easy to lose it. why does this happen? is it a result of our karam?

Dont ponder why, as this may not change anything if you were to find out. Assess what is causing this lack of routine for example you may go to bed late and struggle to get up esrly or you may be eating heavy meals just before sleep. Once identified, look to tackle them i.e. i will be in bed by this time or if its late I will eat a little bit less
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Khalsa ji,is there a way I can improve concentration while doing simran?

There is a video recently uploaded on our q&a playlist that answers this. Please check it out
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Do you think Dharmik Geet albums like Immortal Productions are good for the youth? I would say they play a part in getting the youth back into Sikhi (thats how I got into Sikhi)

Most definitely. Very educative
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Can you please upload a video on how you tie a dastar

Sorry no dastaar videos ji, you can find many already on youtube ..
Liked by: Gopi ✋

is it possible for anyone to open their dasam doar, and if it is how and what does having it open let u do

yepp and you've gotta to ask the few people who have lol
Liked by: Na Gopi ✋

I understand the gurdwara is open for everyone but I'm worried that since I'm white, if I go there it will be awkward as I will probably be the only white person there. I fully believe in sikhi but feel scared I won't find Sangat due to this

The Gurdwara is open for everyone. Don't feel scared, the Guru is physically present! Focus on meeting Guru Ji and with Kirpa you will be fine. Enjoy the experience :-)
Liked by: Runjit Gopi ✋ sargun

Is it ok to play basketball and other sports or is the competition gonna bring more ego

This path is about destroying the ego. So if playing sport is boosting the ego then we need to look at what is making us egotistical when we play or compete.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I was suffering from a porn problem a really long time ago. Masturbated once or twice but with Guru Ji's kirpa I escaped and now can keep my mind away from kaam. Should I still go pesh even though it's far in the past and I probably won't repeat it? I don't like talking about it with other people.

Vjkk vjkfateh, if youve dealt with it and moved on then there's no point dwelling on the past. Its not a kret in the sense you have to go for pesh.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Tell Bhai Baljit Singh to release more long kathas more often. I watch them as soon as they come out and have seen all of the ones I can find on youtube. Waiting for new ones is hard. For now I'm just rewatching old ones :)

Vaheguru, will do.... listen to Bhai sukha Singhs katha as well. Him and Bhai Baljit do the same style katha.
Liked by: Gopi ✋ sargun

WJKK WJKF! With Guru's kirpa I was able to start doing nitnem this morning, but I'm not sure if I did it correctly (as far as I did it). Is it ok to do naam simran in the shower and then start japji sahib after? Also I found my voice was getting hoarse as I finished - is it ok to drink water during?

Vaheguru! Thats cool, if your voice gets hoarse then you may want to soften your voice a little

Does one become less of a Sikh by not keeping their Kes?

Rehit pyari mujh ko, Sikh pyara nahi.
Guru Gobind Singh Ji says its the way in which we live is how He loves us, not that we are Sikhs by this label we have given to ourselves.
Kesh is the part of the rehit

VJKKVJKF.Please describe an effective way to meditate. What do you focus on? How do you clear your mind?

We have a recently uploaded video on this please check it out on our q&a playlist
Liked by: Gopi ✋

Difference between cutting nails and cutting hair. All part of creation.

We have a cideo on this recently uploaded on the q&a playlist please check it out
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I've only recently started to do Amrit Vela in the morning, can you please tell me if I'm doing things properly. I usually get up around 5, have a quick shower while chanting Waheguru in my mind. I then read Japji sahib in English, which takes my half an hour, then I do half hour of Naam jap. I use

Vaheguru! After Japji Sahib do Jaap Sahib, Tav prasad Savaiye, anand Sahib and dont forget to finish with Ardas. Kirpa that your doing it :-)

Vjkk vjkf, I am going to take Amrit soon and am preparing myself. I am confused as to whether I will have to give up bhangra and performing? What is your perspective according to Sikhism?

Dance on the Lords name! Vaheguru
Liked by: Gopi ✋

VJKK VJKF, I have attended a lot of weddings recently and notices that amritdhari women are doing gidda which I found out it prohibited. Could I tell them off?

Its all about Veechar - teach/guide them ji (with love)


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