
Basics of Sikhi

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im a monah but i want to grow my hair. people will ask "why the sudden change?" how should i justify it?

All gurus kirpa (blessing).... we can't do anything ourselves. When he takes pity on us then he can do whatever to save us Ji.
don't worry about what the world thinks or says just go for it Ji and guru Ji will have your hand for then journey.

Ok if it is forbidden to eat meat and drink why do so many Sikhs do it?

People aren't educated, western culture creeping in, loss of love for sikhi, people don't care, find it hard to stop, haven't experienced what sikhis about yet and much more ji

What is your view on Sant Dhandriawale's thing where tells everybody to put their heads up and shout Jaikare?

I respect how he actually get people to raise both hands in a huge crowd even when they are embarrassed to lower their own ego Ji.

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Hello veer Ji I have multiple bug bites on the arm that is the arm where my kara is. When my kara touches the bites I began to scratch them and they get worse. Is it okay to take my kara off? Thanks so much for the answer it will help me a lot once again thanks for the time bro appricate it

move the kara onto your other arm Ji.

Bhai Sahib Ji, what's the deal with gold karreh? Do they count the same as the proper steel ones?

We should wear a sarbloh (iron) kara Ji, only wear other types if your skin reacts badly to the sarbloh kara ji.

Can you tell me about a Bani that helps with 5 vices the most, besides naam?

Veer Ji all of gurbani has the power to destroy the vices. Naam is what gurbani is made of.
But I would suggest chaupai sahib, kirtan sohila and ramkali ki vaar.

Whilst doing Simran and your eyes are close due to focusing. And you feel a itch on your leg should you itch this or should you ignore this. Also how do you know if you are focus whilst doing Simran. Hope this all makes sense

Vjkk vjkfateh.... personally I would because I lose concentration easily but try not to.
you know when your concentrating usually because no other thoughts will come into your mind and you will just be hearing vaheguru within your mind. Takes time and determination ji.
Liked by: Rani kaur

I was sexually abused as a child by someone from my extended family (haven't told anyone). I'm finding it difficult to forgive and forget / hate sin not sinner etc. Please help, I feel hostile towards this person. Counselling hasn't helped- singing kirtan/bani has saved me but I haven't forgiven!

Vjkk vjkfateh,
This situation is definitely a complicated one and as I don't have the the actual life experience to help you I can only talk from gurbani and a mishmash of my own experiences.
dhukh dhaaroo Sukh rog bhaeiaa ja Sukh thaam n hoee
(Suffering is the medicine and pleasure the disease. where there is pleasure then there is no desire for god)
the above is from Rehras Sahib and from this we can take that whatever has happened has helped you fall in the gurus laps by you reading more gurbani and doing kirtan. So what I am trying to say here is that the event has happened but you have taken positivity from it and developed spiritual and fallen to your fathers feet for help.
bhagat kabeer Ji says - kjehaa lobh theh kaal hai jehaa kimaa theh app
(where there is greed there is death and where there is forgiveness there is vaheguru)
So if we can overcome the deep anger and resentment built up within ourselves and lower our heads when we have been attacked and still forgive someone then we begin to break our ego. This because all that there truly is vaheguru; even in your relative.... and if we have the ability to forgive then we will see vaheguru within him as well.
Finally speaking with the relative maybe a step in the progression to first to tell them that you know what happened, you understand the situation. But another reason is to make sure he doesn't do it again. A khalsa should be able to defend them around them as well Ji.
The process is a long journey and one which will need a lot of faith in vaheguru and Ardas. One thing u will definitely suggest is jap naam as this will begin to still your mind and redirect the energy of resentment/anger to a positive place which will help you spiritual in a big way with gurus kirpa.
Bul chuk marf Ji
Vjkk Vjkfateh

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I'm so confused with what to do... I love sikhi but I can't do paat every morning i go to uni and do late nights and very early mornings. I do try to do what I can but as you guys have said I'm still making the same mistakes. Now I'm thinking why bother doing a little because it's not enough?

Firstly we need to understand what is a priority. Yes uni is important to develop worldly Gian etc but paath and nam Japna and simran is needed to develop spiritual Gian and Baba Isher Singh Rara Sahib wale would say that we have only entered this world for naam simran.
Get into a routine which will help you deal with both situations. I don't know your personal situation as such so I'm guessing you sleep at 12/1 and get up at 7. To function in the day we need 5 hours of sleep...some can live off 4 hours. This will definitely take time to get used to Ji but it does work out.
But do whatever you can and don't stop, throughout the day to simran (remember) of vaheguru and do Ardas to want to do paath etc. and if you do this with love and full devotion then he will help you Ji
Vjkk vjkfateh

Wjkk wjkf, can amritdharis eat quorn which is a substitute for meat but does contain some egg? I turned vegetarian last year but I eat quorn mostly.

nope Ji, no egg.
Panj Pyaree normally say this when giving rehit.
if you do want anything check out Linda McCartney's foods I.e. sausages. However do also read the back of these as some products contain wine.
Liked by: Nav

VJKKVJKF I have been amritdhari for nearly a year but I still find it really hard to wake up at amritvela what can I do to help?

check out the PIC :)

While doing simran, does it have to be our voice that we listen to. is that OK if we listen to an audio of someone else's voice? my voice is not that great but there are other audios of other people that are very melodious and I enjoy more that way.

I would say do both...if listening to others helps connect then do that as well as using your tongue to call out to Vaheguru ji. R
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Can a brahm giani carry out astral projection and if so what are the benefits of this.

yes.... dettach from the body. Ultimately be free from physical desires and destroy attachment.
Maybe much more to it but I'm not a brehmgiani ji
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

If you believe that sex is only for procreation purposes, then why do you not condemn homosexuality?

This is a game of love and not a game of condemning every single group in the world. The world is lost in illusion and the arrow of love is the only thing which can tear it open so we can see the truth behind it.
Liked by: Supreet singh

How would you explain the concept of a Mahapurush to someone who isnt a sikh?

they can't really be explained or understood but just experienced.
they were once were just a droplet but now have merged back into the ocean... they no longer are just a singular droplet but part of the larger ocean Ji.
Vjkk vjkfateh

i dont know the story of 1984, i know that many sikhs died but i dont know how, why and what exactly happened, could you please answer my question, or do you have a video on it?

Google it Ji, there are various videos and documents as well as book regarding the genocide.
Neverforget84.com etc are good starting points
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

VJKK VJKF - If amrit vela is 12am -6am is it okay to do all morning prayers (japji sahib, jaap sahib..) at 12am before going to bed?

personally I don't Ji but yes it is acceptable.... what we need to realise is that its not a check list job.... we read these prayers for an experience. Sikhi isn't about just getting things done.
If you can experience the gurbani at 12am and connect then go for it Ji.
Vjkk vjkfateh

WJKK WJKF Paaji, what is the best way to do meditation in Sikhi? Is simply reciting waheguru over and over sufficient or would it require something more?

Jap naam but listen to what you are saying with your ears and contemplate within your mind.
best time is Amrit vela Ji.
Vjkk vjkfateh
Liked by: Supreet singh

VJKKVJKF I have been amritdhari for nearly a year but I still find it really hard to wake up at amritvela what can I do to help?

Vjkk vjkfateh,
First start with doing Ardas to maharaj and begging for Amrit vela. With his kirpa he will help you.
secondly we need to put in our own effort as well. So try sleep earlier and do Ardas before sleep to get up for Amrit vela Ji.
Thirdly, stop eating about 2 to 3 hours before you sleep and do not eat in excess as this can also make us sleepy.
finally you may like to begin to wake up at 6am, then every day try wake up 5mins earlier. This slow build up will help a lot and keep at it until it is a routine Ji.
Vjkk vjkfateh

VJKK VJKF I understand that Amritdhari Sikhs should have Singh/Kaur as their last name. But are non-Amritdharis/non-practising Sikhs supposed to have Singh/Kaur as their last name, as they have not taken Amrit yet?

VJKK VJKF! Hanji this has become common over time, they didn't use to do this but daas (humble servant) would say that we should use it as long as we are trying to live a Sikhi Jeevan and aim to take Amrit.

Are you ever going to do videos on the deeper meditation topics, or deeper philosophical questions? Or will everything always be the basics?

We are a mere stepping stone on a Sikhs journey to learn about the advanced topics.
There are numerous Parcharks who delve into things beyond what we can even think of. Yes, this maybe in gurmukhi and people will say we can't understand it, but a basic objective is to learn gurmukhi and understand what we are reading in gurmukhi.
Atm people just want to know the basics.

if you are feeling tired, is it okay to do path on a chair rather than cross legged on the floor.

Best to do sitting/standing if holding Gutka Sahib, but if you really have to then you can...


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