
Basics of Sikhi

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VJKK VJKF. Bhai sahib can you explain the timings for the nitnem bani's please? Ie what time one should start or complete by.

5 Baniya = Amrit Vela, betweem 12AM-6AM. If you're Amrit Vela nitnem goes over 6AM don't worry but try and wake up at Amrit Vela.
Rehras Sahib = 5AM-11PM, around sunset.
Sohila = Before sleep, before midnight.
Liked by: Supreet singh

Do sikhs believe sex is only for procreation purposes only

When you mess with kaam, it's like a child messing with fire. You don't know when you will get burned or light the whole house(the body) on fire. Gurbani teaches us about Sehaj which about a balanced life. According to Gurmat life begins from conception so would you really want to kill a life? To control unnecessary Kaam one should read extra Bani. Remember - would Guru Ji do this?

2) When Guru Nanak Ji decided that Guru Angad Ji was to be the next guru, did Nanak Ji know this beforehand? Like did God tell him to choose Guru Angad? or was it because of the acts Guru Angad Ji performed that impressed Guru Nanak Ji?

Vjkk vjkfateh,
Guru Angad ji's name before was Bhai lehna as in a debt to be paid. When Guru Nanak met them it is written in our history that he asked Bhai lehna their name and they told him it. Guru Nanak said you have come at last, I am to pay your lehna.
so it seems Guru Ji already knew of this play.
secondly, Guru Angad dev Ji followed each hukam of Guru Nanak without question and with pure love.
There is a lot we can learn from this relationship.

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my family are pestering me to get married and I have an amritdhari Singh in mind that I have always seen as a gursikh, I would like to aproach him without kaam what shall I do?

Best way is to get your parents to speak to him and his parent. If not parents then get another senior Gursikh.

VJKKVJKF I have been amritdhari for nearly a year but I still find it really hard to wake up at amritvela what can I do to help?

WJKK WJKF! Amrit Vela is a blessing from Guruji and it takes many years to get a pakkha (strong) Amrit Vela. Don't worry you're not the only one struggling but we have to keep going no matter if we fall. Most important is to get a routine - aim to sleep early and try and get the sleep you need. Make sure to do Kirtan Sohila and ardas.
One very important thing is our food, if we want to wake up early it's vital to make sure we eatour evening meal on time, try and get it before 7pm and your Amritvela will be so much better.

If example you fail you exams and you have nearly lost your ego, does this mean you won't be disappointed.

lol if you've nearly lost your ego.... tell me how Ji
ego is only destroyed when you connect before that you are reducing it to such a degree that your mind and body enter a stage of purity and oneness.
but the exam business, accept whatever as his hukam.... you have no control of the result Ji.
whatever he does is going to be for you good so don't stop doing simran and paath etc.

WJKK WJKF Regarding the 5 kakars, how is one to keep our kirpan on during a shower without getting the gatra wet? or wash hair without removing the kanga? Sorry I know it's not a smart question, but I'm really curious to know. .

WJKK WJKF! Don't worry jee, you should ask these questions. With kirpan and shower - tie katra around dastaar/head and tuck kirpan in. When washing hair you can tie kirpan around lower body/waist and tuck Kanga into Gatra. You can put hair in front and wash.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Im suffering from almost an masturbation addition, I find it very hard to control, the lustful thoughts a relentless. How can I overcome this vaheguru!

How can I control Lust? - Q&A #8 UC Davis SSA: http://youtu.be/ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 ZLXxbyg4Dpwbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 ZLXxbyg4Dpw
How can we stop failing in our rehit (spiritual d…: http://youtu.be/igf6VIUlRpAbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 igf6VIUlRpAbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 igf6VIUlRpA
Why should we 'take Amrit'? - Q&A #6 UC Davis SSA: http://youtu.be/jdW2LIEFRaEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 jdW2LIEFRaEbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111871755314 jdW2LIEFRaE
the videos above will be of use. But sexual energy us very powerful and can be redirected into naam Japna and simran when lustful thoughts enter the mind. When this thought comes into your mind strike it down with vaheguru Japna and simran Ji
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

so you can g to their house for the puja, but not put the tilak on

respectively I would go if they are asking out of pure love. but I would get involved in any practice's etc.

if I go to a Hindu friends house for their housewarming puja, is it ok for me to let them put the tilak on my forehead or should I politely decline?

personally I would decline.... my guru doesn't accept such practice's.
also if you have given your head...m what head will this tilak be applied lol

What are your thoughts on cutting hair to donate?

Personally no, I have given my head to the guru and under his divine law they have said do not cut your hair.
Once your head has given and you cut your head off.... what hair have you got to give? Your heads already been removed.
Seems simple to me, can donate in a variety of ways other than cutting your hair ji

I pray, (Japji sahib, Rehras sahib, Chaupai & Anandh sahib along with 1 ashthpadhi of Sukhmani sahib & then Keerthan sohila, after all, Ardhaas and that's 2 times a day) & I also do seva for 10/15 minutes at the gurdhwara, I'm slowly settling on a good path but however, will I get what all I want ?

Vjkk, Vjkfateh,
Trust Guru Ji in what is best for you...reading Gurbani isn't a trade system to fulfil worldly desires instead is a way of discipline, connecting then falling in love with our Guru.
For best results have the desire Guru Arjun Dev Ji had which was 'kaankhi ekai daras tuhoro' I have only one desire and that is to have You darshan Vaheguru ji, to get this desire to Sangat of Gurmukhs, Sant's those that are in love with the Guru.

wjkk wjkf, paji I fell in love with the girl of my dreams. she ended up leaving me and with a broken heart. I've done evrything but nothing seems to work. I pray to guruji evryday. should I accept it as his hukam, and leave it to guruji. I do simran and I read bani but my mind still thinks about her

Vjkk vjkfateh, your not truly doing simran... Simran means to remember vaheguru with every thought and breathe Ji. If you was doing simran nothing else would come into your mind.
First you would need to do naam Japna and repeat his name out loud and hear what you are saying. Concentrate on it Ji and whenever you think of her think of the one lover who will never break your heart but also be by your side when the whole world will break relationship with you.

if we experience hard times in our life for example: betrayal, heart break etc is this a test from maharaj or our karams?

It's a life experience.... When times becomes hard, we turn to our friends for help but when they can't help us we go our families but even when they can't help us we look at our own bodies. When our body isn't enough to get us through a situation the only person who will be our side is vaheguru.
Take from these lessons that true friend who won't leave you even when this body leaves is vaheguru.... Put your faith in him Ji.
Finally, see everything that happens to you as bad is actually there for you to guru and fall to the guru further.
dhukh dhaaroo sukh rog bhaeiaa jaa sukh thaam n hoee
Suffering is the medicine, and pleasure the disease, because where there is pleasure, there is no desire for God.

VJKK VJKF veer ji, I see a lot of controversy about the dasaam granth. and I don't know what to believe? And I look faward to seeing you in bow tomorrow.

http://youtu.be/EM41OjnVikUbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111941448498 EM41OjnVikUbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111941448498 EM41OjnVikU
It's Amrit bani, don't doubt and make judgements based on what negative things people say. Don't be a sheep but be a Singh :D

My mom say if we pray we will get more problem. Is that true??

that's a new one.... if your praying for money, cars and worldly material then yes.
If your asking the guru to take you in with both hands then how can I father like Guru Gobind Singh Ji hurt his khalsa, the khalsa which he gave up his own children for.
Doing Paath is develop your inner self and to help you realise vaheguru. keep at it ji

I keep on failing my car theory test, apart from doing ardas and practicing hard is there anything else I can do?

revise harder and do more of the practice test questions and learn the answers of the ones you did wrong lol.
Don't dwell on it either, accept what's happened and continue this life lesson will be useful throughout life so develop your own self ji

VJKK VJKF, Veer Ji, I'm a little confused as to Sikhi's teachings on meat eating. I know many amritdhari's who say that we shouldn't it eat it, but many also say that the Akaal Thakt hasn't forbid meat eating? Could you give me a correct perspective?

Vjkk vjkfateh...I'm not mahapurk or sant so I can't give you a correct answer. I can give you my own personal view on it.
First we need to realise if we haven't given our own head to the guru then how can we take the head of something else.... personally speaking I don't follow each hukam my guru has given me so I am in no way able to take the life of something guru Ji has made for us.
Dont dwell on this question though, its better to be safe than sorry and leave eating meat. Spend more time japping naam and reading gurbani and guru Ji will provide you with a personal answer when you are ready ji

Hey,i have one question...I'm in the army now and was wondering if i can take amrit in something that brings the old with the new...kind of like a plate carrier with pouches with a thigh rig multicam pants and a chola...i want to become a alkail nihang

ask for Amrit to be a khalsa Ji.
And if they let you wear it and it works go for it Ji. only thing is your chola may catch on shrubbery and may be quite cold at night without a schmock

Can you take anabolic steroids whilst being amritdhari?

no need to, similar to an intoxicant as your bad becomes quite dependant on it for growth as well as there being side effects.
keep it natural!

wjkk wjkf veerji sorry to ask this question i know our gurus our perfect they never make mistake.but i want to know why guru hargobind singh ji and guru gobind singh ji had two wives?

Vjkk, Vjkfateh,
Guru Gobind Singh Ji & Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji in actual fact had 3 Wife's.
The first thing for us to understand is that Guru Sahib is above the 5 chor, Kaam (desires), Krodh (anger), Lobh (greed), Moh (attachment), Ahankaar (ego/pride), so there decisions were never based under the influence of the 5 Vices instead only acted out of compassion. What ever marriages took place of Guru Sahib after the first one was always a family approaching the Guru's house with a request to take there daughter in (due to different circumstances for each one).

VJKK VJKF! What are some good books to learn the details of Sikh history? I know that Khushvant Singh has written a few volumes but I was hoping to read the older histories too!

Vjkk, Vjkfateh,
In English or Punjabi?
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

Is learning gatka important? Can I still learn if I'm in my twenties?

Vjkk, Vjkfateh,
I would say yes it's important to learn even if it's just the basics.
Remember age has no place in the house of Guru Nanak. I did Gathka for about 1 hour when I was 29.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev


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