
Basics of Sikhi

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With blue star operation, why didnt guru ji save all the innocent children that were murdered and women raped? I mean i thought he was always there to protect us?

Sikhs have been achieving Shaheedi since Dhan Guru Arjan Dev Ji sat on a hot plate. Sikhi is about accepting Gurus and Gods will and transcending the physical plane whilst living within it. Guruji is always protecting us, but also a SIkh must accept the Hukam as sweet. The souls of those who achieved shaheedi whether in 1984 or 1978 or in the last 300 years will either come back or be blessed. There is a reason why Sikhi has grown since 1984, it was a wake up call for many and now all those souls of the shaheed youth who came back on earth will change the Panth. Like a child who falls down when learning to walk, we also dont always understand the grand plan and so cry out in pain, but Guruji is always with us and knows that all this will help us to walk properly one day and lead the world to Satjug. So we should live in Chardikala and the only place you get chardikala is from Nanak Naam...so rather than doubt your Guru, say Dhan Guru Nanak until he gives you the bliss of Chardikala

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How do we get a Hukamnama?

Do 6 pauris anand sahib, do ardaas and depending on where you are, ie in front to f SGGS, then randomly open up maharaaj and read the shabad that is starting on the top left, you can can go back to previous page if its started there. Also if you're at home and no SGGS, then go to Sikhitothemax or Sikhnet and get a virtual hukam ,(click random shabad)

A particular religion upon us? Should we not have the right to choose our own religion? I personally don't understand kathas and such, but I still accompany my mum to the gurdwara. But if one doesn't understand the religion, what use is there in following it?

Its true that one should understand their religion, but also, its probably true that you know a lot more than you think. You know about equality, about serving others, about non-discrimination etc. The morality you seen in the Gurdwaras is very rare indeed, most religious places are divided and self focused. Inly in Dhan Guru Nanaks house are all welcome for a meal and a rest.
Now when it comes to education, Gurdwaras are failing miserably, so I sympathise with you. Thats why we set up Basics of Sikhi on youtube. Its also why so many youth sevadaars are working to spread Sikhi, run camps, do kirtan etc, becuase our elders hvaen't managed to spread Sikhi, just build Gurdwaras.

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Why do we treat sikhi like a religion when guru nanak dev ji wanted to break away from that?

Dont try and distinguish between the Gurus, all 10 are the same light. What Guru Nanak Dev ji wanted is the same as what Guru Gobind Singh ji did. Sikhi is a path, a unique path to enlightenment whilst uplifting the whole of society. Its not a religion, its a Dharm (Duty), ie not a belief system but an action system. Live as a Sikh to be called a Sikh, not believe certain things to be called a Sikh. Its the original truth, the new truth and the whole truth, purer than any other system out there. People of other faith may practice parts of this truth but it is only present in its entirety within Sikhi. Sikhi is complete, Puran. Following Sikhi is what Guru Nanak Dev ji wanted us to do. So forget the label, just follow the Sikhi of all 10 Nanaks.

When we read Gurbani it says Hukame Andar Sab Ko Bahar Hukum Na Koye then nothg left to question on anything which is going around then why we still blames others Ex Genocide etc etc.Confused

Hukam means both Gods order for us and also Gods system. Our hukam from Guruji/Vaheguru is to Naam Jap and do good actions, the karma and system of the bad person is to do evil. Its a computer game in a way, we just play our part and win the game, and in doing so, get the bliss of connecting to God. Everyone eill get there one day, but why wait? If we're lucky enough to get the blessings of our Guru in this life, then lets not gamble with the 8.4million life cycle. Lets follow Guru's hukam, stop the bad guys and understand that even if we have to destroy the bad person, they are too suffering from Haumai and ego and living out their own karma. So we dont need to hate them, just stop them.

What advice would you give someone who has taken Amrit but lost faith in Vaheguru?

Find out where you went wrong and fix it fast, dont take this lightly. Vaheguru hasn't gone anywhere and nor has our history or Gurbani changed. Many times our faith is tested and our expectations about what "Guruji should do" lead to dissapointment and lack of faith. Sikhi is about accepting Gurus hukam, not demanding special treatment from Guruji. Personally I get a lot of faith from reading history and also the life stories of Gursikhs. Other major recommendations are more sadh sangat, more ardaas, more simran and paat and more seva. Take Sikhi seriously. Guru Mehar kare

is it wrong to do short rehras?

No, its wrong not to do the short rehraas, since its the very minimum. All long rehraas sahibs paaths include the short rehraas so obviously its good for you. If you want to progress in Sikhi, you must read more paat and do more simran, seva, sangat and kirtan.

can an amritdhari be in a relationship with another amritdhari?

Amritdharis dont have to avoid other Amritdharis. There are legit relationships like husband/wife, mother father, brother/sister and even engaged to be married, and then there are the non-legit ones that aren't gonna go anywhere. The test is to work out if the couple plan to get married, have taken hukamnama and involved their family. Until then, avoid the physical 'relationship', its not sactioned. Obviously the rehit and kurehits apply!

what is the difference between rehatnama and rehat maryada?

Rehatnama is a set of instructions given by Guruji at a certain period. They dont cover everythings. The Rehat Maryada is a substantial document which is derived from a number of different rehatnamas and united Panthic Sikhs.

Is essential not to eat before you do Nitnem? If you are hungry, this can sometimes make things more difficult and disrupt concentration? Is the idea of 3-6 Amrit Vehla also so that you wouldn't really be hungry at this time as it is not such a long time since your evening dinner or fruit

I find it motivates me to do nitnem first. Its also written in Guru Gobind Singh ji's hukamnama to Bhai Nand Laal that a Sikh should not eat before reading Japji Sahib and Jaap Sahib. Discipline has a lot to say for it in the long term. Also Sikhi is about submitting to Guruji's hukam, so that Guruji does kirpa. Best to follow his hukam then ;)

Why are the gurdwaras so decorated and ornate in appearance please

Cause thats what impresses the Punjabi Sikh people nowadays, so they feel that their money was well spent by the committee. If the committees spent money on educating their sangat, then perhaps this mentality would not exist. However, if the committees spent money educating the sangat, then perhaps the committees would not exist either. So the committees prefer to leave the sangat uneducated and impress them with the outward facade. Kaljug innit!

In Guru Ji's Zafarnamah to Aurangzeb, He also praises Aurangzeb's warrior qualities, was Aurangzeb in battles himself and is there reports of his good swordmanship? I thought he just sat in a palace barking insane orders!

I think you'll find that Guruji was being sarcastic, by building him up (ie things similar to what others may have said at the time) only to destroy him straight after by calling him a liar without honour. I'm assuming that Aurangzeb was a fighter though, most kings trained and Aurangzeb was not known for his vices but his religious zeal.

is it against our religion to marry someone not in our culture.

No, culture is not religion. We should marry Sikhs, or else good people of any culture will do. Avoid people without culture and low morals.

What is the difference between a "normal" pag, and wearing a dumulla or a gol pug?

Mainly, its about style and what you like, you cant judge someones avastha (spiritual level) from their dastaar. From a practical point of view, the difference is about length, width and folds. Socially it also signals quite a lot about you ie, your jatha, viewpoint etc. I do take issue with the idea of 'normal' pag. From a warrior point of view, there is a massive difference in solidity, security and protection. The current punjabi style boat pag is actually a style encouraged by the British and is not a traditional style. The Dumalla is a traditional style, is very secure and protects the head.

When Banda Singh Bahadur Ji developed some coinage, as seen on the Punjab Digital Library, with Sikhi Prose written on them, were they written in urdu/arabic/persian? as that was the common language due to Mughal tyranny?

Yes, Persian was the Lingua Franca, (Common Language) especially of commerce and court matters, so the first coins were in Persian. You can buy an enlarged replica of that coin and the prose in that coin is read by the Nihangs in Arti-Arta daily.

what is the difference between the 10th gate and the 3rd eye ?

Physically, one is at the top of your head (10th Gate) and the other is just above your eyes in the middle of your face..(3rd eye). There is a line from Gurbani which says that the Tricuti (3rd eye) is like the lock for the 10th gate to open.

Veerji when you say M2,M3 etc, does Mehl 2,3 etc, also refer to the Guru Ji's themselves or to there respective Bani contributions? so if we say Mehl 2 do we use this as an alias for Guru Angad Dev Ji? and does it go M1 to M10? Although I know Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Bani is Dasam Granth

Its possible to use M1-10 to shorthand for our Gurus, and also its possible to use P1-10 for Patshahi Pehli to Dasvi. To be honest, the main ones that people use Patshahi for us P6, 7, 8, and 10 as those Guru's didn't write any bani with M in front. I have seen a copy of a bir that have M10 in it at the Dohras at end of Slok M9, , but thats another story away from the Basics ;)

As there are confessions in other different religions, how can a Sikh confess for his mistakes to the Guru?

In personal ardaas done daily we speak to Guruji directly and can confess our sins and get a hukamnama. IN terms of breaking our rehat, then we can speak to the Punj Piarey and they are the Guru's form and can prescribe our punishment.

Was watching Sunday Morning Live, the question "should religion be off limits to comedy?" what would the Sikh response to this be? I've read some Gurbani and Bhagat Kabeer does appear to employ some comedy in his Bani where he employs satire. Where do Sikhs draw the line as to what causes offence?

If you knew where to draw this line, you'd be hired by the Press Complaints Commission...its a tough call every time, for me, "Jathebandis" was hilarious and Harlem Shake AKJ Version was absolutely not funny. Probably with Sikhi, you should stay away from jokes about Guruji or Gurbani. I dont agree with the whole way we dealt with the "Bezati play". We need to chill a little and learn to ignore both malicious and unintendedly offensive humour. Guru Raam Daas ji didn't get het up over Baba Sri Chand mocking him.., nor did Guru Amardaas ji strike Baba Dattu ji (son of M2) when he was kicked by the latter. So its a skill we've been encouraged to have by our Guru's examples. We can only do this if we become so busy in Seva and Simran that neither praise nor slander affects us.

Why do good things e.g getting good exam results, happen to people who have no love/belief for waheguru?

Perhaps cause they studied for that test? Wouldn't it be strange if only religious people got good stuff? I mean, everyone would have figured out that you might as well be religious and then there would be no game of maayaa either. Surely the illusion must be realistic or these clever folks out there would have figured out Vaheguru is real...aren't you lucky to have figured that out inspite of how realistic the illusion is..Gur Kirpa!

As Sikhs can we use gel on beards?

Well done for having a beard. Its up to you to work out how you like that beard to look. Dont colour it but mostly, try to avoid focusing too much on your looks. Ultimately, its all a relative game..a hair out of place of a slick beard stands out, but when you flow free, then it just looks normal.


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