
Basics of Sikhi

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Hey guys I really love your videos, I'm a teenager and around my age a lot of people watch adult films and other things like that, I have been tempted into doing these things on several occasions and I was wondering how to I stay away from these things and get forgiveness from god?

Change your habits, they form your character... build a good character. Guruji is less interested in your words and more interested in your actions.

Why are sikh not allowed to eat Halal? I always do morning prayer almost everyday, i follow 5ks and im not amritdhari yet and i eat meats. i keep getting told off for eating halal, whats wrong with halal? does it matter if the animal has been blessed after death? i dnt understand the big deal of dis

I feel embarrassed by your question. Is this where Sikhs are now, they question their Guru's orders whilst reading bani and keeping kesh. When will you start to submit to Guru's hukam? This Haumai is the ball and chain around our neck, it must be abandoned if we want to go to naam, Guru's Naam. We seek Gurprasad. Read our history and Guruji's hukamnamas, and follow. "Tyaage man ki mattree, Gur Keheaa so kaar kamaao jio.." Leave the personal thoughts of the mind and earn the actions that Guruji's tell us to do.."

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I need help understanding why a lot of amritdhari's look down on moneh when they take amroth and some even come from similar backgrounds. Sikhs are our own enemies right? Am i looking too into this or should i move on?

Sikhs are our own worst enemies, watch our video "What would Guru Nanak say to us today?"
Liked by: Kiran Rani kaur

WJKK WJKF, im going through some struggles in my life at the moment. I recently lost my virginity 2 weeks ago and have stopped reading nitnem instead listening to it now, including not waking up for amritvela. I'm not an amritdhari but i want to take this step in the near future. I feel lost. Pls he

VJKK VJKF, your full question is not there so hard to answer this. Please repost in smaller chunks. First things first, what happened has happened but doesn't mean it has to continue. Get back to nitnem and rehat and ardaas. rest we can discuss after you re-post

Heard your katha today at Roseville Gurdwara. MAJOR coincidence because I'd just discovered you on Reddit this morning. I really appreciate how you reach out to children and the approaches you use with katha. I'll look around for you at the Nagar Kirtan next weekend

Vaheguru works in mysterious ways ji, there are no coincidences. Guru di kirpa ji, its a blessing to serve the panth. See you at the Nagar Kirtan. come and help us hand out leaflets and raise awareness of the channel!

If u haven't already realized, half the sardars cut their to get girls. And day by day Sikhs continue to fade... BUT, what can we do?

Be men, real men who pray to Vaheguru and fight against injustice. When the Khalsa roamed as Saint Soldiers, they didn't have to work to impress women.

I have a really important question. I know that we are not supposed to do idol worship. I also do not have a Guru Granth Sahib at my house. My question is, is it okay to Mata Dekh to my Jap Ji sahib Gutka after reading Jap Ji Sahib(Also I am currently only reading Jap Ji Sahib).

Yes, its fine to matha tek to any bani, or even Ik Oangkar. Its not just fine, its good :) Dont just discriminate because thats what you are reading. also, you should start rehraas and kirtan sohila too as you may as well only eat once a day, but really its better to eat three times a day, right? :)

Why is prashaad supposed to be handed to 5 amritdhari sikhs before the general public? discrimination?

The Khalsa is the Guru, when the Khalsa is served, then the Guru's touch has blessed the prashad for the Sangat. There is always respect to Guru first.

We are friends but we developed feelings towards eachother but der r a lot of complexities if we do Anand Karaj, so we were almost going to drop the idea but then I took a Hukumnama and it read this, http://www.sikhitothemax.com/page.asp?ShabadID=3158 How do I interpret this hukumnama in my case?

Sounds very positive. If you both keep Sikhi as central in your life then this would indicate Guruji's blessings. Talk to the parents and each other and look to set a date.
Liked by: Supreet singh

What's your view on having tattoos? Is such practice against Sikhi? I assume If the physical body is merely a vessel for our soul that it would not really be an issue as its not harming the body? I appreciate it's a relatively low level issue but would be good to know the Sikhi stance on tattoos

If I type into Youtube search, "basics of sikhi" and tattoos,you get this :)
http://youtu.be/gRwFLZL4jlsbasicsofsikhi’s Video 102724587826 gRwFLZL4jlsbasicsofsikhi’s Video 102724587826 gRwFLZL4jls

Im an amritdhari person. I have friends who are but they all think way different than me. For most Sikhi started in 1984 and they all express anger and hatred to those people caused 1984, such as Brar. For me.... I can care less because I am more interested in attaining the state of Enlightenment

There needs to be a middle path here. Miri Piri is the hukam given to our Panth since the 6th Guru Paramesur. I agree that a lot of people are overly focused on 1984. This manifests in two forms.
(a) regarding all those that are working towards Bhagti (enlightenment) as being soft or not living in the real world. This view is false as actually there is only Vaheguru in the first place who is Karta Purakh. The true warrior can only transcend the physical plane by reaching the spiritual plane. I've met people who know all the facts of 1984 and since then yet do not enjoy sitting in a kirtan darbar or reading sukhmani sahib or even akaal ustat or chandi di vaar. If thats someone who is reading this, this they need to rethink if they are actually following Sikhi as Dhan Guru Gobind Singh ji is very clear in all their bani that without Naam (the experience and connection to Vaheguru through our dasam duaar) we will not earn any respect in the hereafter.
(b) They are so angry about 1984 and Punjab that they forget that this is not the first time that Sikhi has been attacked and it wont be the last. We've had two genocides before that and countless Sikhs have been Shaheed. Their anger towards 'Hindus' and desire for Khalistan then blinds them to the fact that Sikhi is not just any other religion, it is the "Path of the Saints". Its our dharam to protect all people from injustice, not just Sikhs. My view is that the only way to ensure that both Panjab is safe and dharam spreads in India is for the Khalsa to spread in numbers and become the dominant force in India. So India should be Khalistan.
However, I do not agree with focusing just on Bhagti. 1984 is not history, its our present. There are still people suffering terribly from what happened in 1984 and still people in jail unjustly. More importantly, Punjab is deliberately being turned into a wreck and this train wreck is taking with it millions of Sikh lives. Sikhi is about compassion. Without compassion, you have no dharam. Without Dharam, you cannot take the first step on the "Path of the Saints". "Sant ka maarag dharam ki pauri, ko vadhbhagee paae". Therefore, your view of "couldn't care less" signifies a lack of compassion and selfishness. We only have to see the work of Khalsa AId, SOPW, United SIkhs, Seva84, Ensaaf etc to realise that the Khalsa is not living up to its responsibilities as "Akaal Purakh Ki Fauj" the army of God. We've lost our compassion, become enslaved to maya, our jobs, families and nice houses/cars are making us forget the suffering in the world. Just remember, the World cried out for Guru Nanak Dev ji, and now his own children, the Khalsa, are ignoring those same cries!
Those that are into bhagti need to embrace the pain and anger of those more into 1984, channel the combined energies towards educating our youth about Sikhi and taking our political efforts back towards Gurmat. We dont need to be begging for Justice, we need to start delivering it. VJKKVJKF

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Back to the athiest question, what if the student didnt know there was a test in the first place? You don't know life is a test you haven't died. No one can answer that question

If a student doesn't know about a test, then maybe he/she should check the noticeboard that the teacher made. In this case, check what Guruji said. Guruji knows, Sikhi is about following Guruji. Pointless ignoring all the amazing advice that Guruji gives by sayig, "Oh well, I couln't be sure, so I didn't bother at all."
Put simply, I dont know how my google phone works, but I trust google to at least make a phone, so I use it in the way intended. I dont know how life works or death works, but I trust Guru Nanak Dev ji knows, and I cant think of anyone I trust more than my Gurus, so I try to follow his advice on life. Plus, since I know that what Guruji recommended does actually work, ie Naam works, then I have no doubts. Try it, the Naam is the proof.

Wahe guru ji ka khalsa wahe guru ji ki fateh. First apologise for my english I'm french. I'm wondering why the majority of sikh women aren't wearing a turban or covering their head, except at the Gurdwara. Guru Gobind Singh Ji told to every sikhs to wear a turban, right? Thank you for your answer.

Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh, merci pour votre question. There is a difference of opinion on this topic. All people agree that Amritdhari Men should wear turbans and all agree that Amritdhari Women should cover their heads too. Women can choose to wear a turban if they wish.
When it comes to Non-Amritdhari Sikhs, its kind of a "follow as you can" or laissez faire attitude as they haven't taken a commitment. Its kind of like every relationship before marriage has different levels of commitment but when you get married then there are certain minimum expectations on that relationship.
BTW, the 3 Facts leaflet is available in french now. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/k7nxv3rj9vun7uv/rsrwOlE0T3

Can we say a really really great sant ( eg sant jarnail singh) = guru ji.

No. Guruji remain supreme. but also yes INA way, cause the saints are like waves in the ocean of god. confusing right??!

I'm going abroad and I'm not sure if I should pack my Gutka because then I'll have dirty clothes, and my suitcase will mostly be on the floor. I don't have a phone to read my Nitnem from, and I can't get a Gutka when I'm on holiday. I don't know my Nitnem, Rehraas, and Keertan Sohila by heart, help?

carry a gutka sahib on yourself. wrap it up nicely in clean cloth. keep it a small bag around your neck like a camera bag.

I have a simple question. I am an amritdhari sikh. I'd like to know if I can wear a helmet over my patka while I ride my bicycle as a sport only for my own safety. If the answer is no, then how about people who have to wear helmet if they are playing cricket, ice hockey, in the air force as pilots?

Hard question though simple. The problem is that many Sikhs fought long and hard to allow themselves the right to wear a turban without needing a helmet. Now every time a Sikh decided to wear a helmet, it can potentially work to discredit the achievement of those Sikhs. However, there is conclusive evidence that some puratan (olden days) Sikhs wore helmets over their dastars. I was asked to wear a helmet over my small keski when I was in the Army. I was initially very annoyed about this, but also did appreciate it when it rained a lot or I ran into something very sharp whilst running up a hill! There are pro's and cons.
You may choose to wear a helmet for safety reasons but be aware that you should maintain that its your personal choice and that you are not saying that other Sikhs must be forced to do so as well.

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