
Basics of Sikhi

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I dont understand hukumnama! if I have a question in my mind and get hukunama and read the english translation I cant find the answer to my question. how to understand the answer from hukumnama? even if I try to read In gurumukhi.

Take a Hukamnama. and no doubt that's your answer - lives have changed from taking Hukamnama. Definitely the English translations don't do justice, find the hukamnama Katha. Bhai Sukha Singh has done Katha of many Hukamnamae in English, link below:
If that doesn't work ask a knowledgeable Gursikh who can translate it in context to your situation.

can a sikh date another sikh if they are intending on getting married?

In Sikh should see everyone as their brother and sister until they reach age of marriage. A Gursikh will do Rishta between two people that would live a Sikhi Jeevan together. Once you find a partner, take hukamnama from Guru Granth Sahib Ji for confirmation. No physical relationship until after Anand Karaj but you can still see them.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

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Can sikhs not remove the hair full stop ? Does it matter how the hair is removed eg. Wax, blade, cream etc.

No ji - removing hair is removing hair.

Why do some Singhs say akkkuuulll when they hear something warrior like that's favorable to the kaum?

A= Beyond
Kaal = Death
Its praising Vaheguru who's beyond death, it would give Singhs Bir Rass in battle.

Bhai Sahib Ji, I am 14 years old and have the gods gift of a dhaari on my beard..Many friends are curious to know who Sant Bhindranwale Ji is...but my World History teacher is against my views..a friend and i did a presentation of 84 and he gave us lowered marke because of false facts.What doISay?

People disrespected our Gurus - Guru Nanak Dev Ji had rocks thrown at him but always kept the love. Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale is a diamond of the Khalsa Panth and spread the truth how it is even if people may not like it. If your teacher doesn't believe what your saying then get someone else to come into your school to do a presentation. The truth hurts so if the teacher cannot face the truth just accept it Jee. Stay blessed.

I'm a gursikh but not amritdhari. My dad took Amrit as a child and is still practicing. However, he's not supportive of my sikhi initiatives whatsoever, like he takes no interest in anything (school, work or sikhi questions). I find it so discouraging. Don't know what to do jee.

Sounds like your Dad's is in a Samadhi !
Maybe he's trying to see if you can live Sikhi on your own - just keep going and stay in Chardi Kala.

Veerji, my friends at school make comments about me that hurt (size, turban on head, dumb etc) and I try to let go and let them not bother me. However, sometimes I feel rage and want to do something. How do I let go of this feeling? Thanks :)

Vaheguru - its all a test jee, Guru ji gives us many tests to see how strong we are and to see if we fall. Take it as Kirpa - it may not be easy but all part of the game.
Guru Raam Daas Ji says: "Some speak good of me, and some speak ill of me, but I have surrendered my body to You."
Try and see the slander and praise the same, it takes time but keep fighting. Most important thing is to do Ardas.

WJKK WJKF. A few years back, my family forced me to take Amrit & at that time I wasn't ready. They filled my head with lies about what Amrit was. I wasn't able to keep my Amrit & I feel horrible. I've been trying to indulge myself in Sikhi ever since. Is it possible to take Amrit again ? Help. -J

WJKK WJKF - remember we only get Amrit when Guru Jee blessed us and Guru Jee himself blessed us with Rehat. Taking amrit is no joke or game. You should go to next Amrit Sanchaar and go for pesh where Panj Pyare will tell you exactly what to do. Don't worry now about what happened - look forward now and remember there's light at the end of the tunnel.

how can i do my path(early morning, afternoon) in the army? if i'm in the marines.

Amrit Vela - one Amritvela is 12-6 AM, it's a perfect time as everyone is asleep and it's a perfect, peaceful time to remember Vaheguru. However if someone isn't able to do Nitnem at Amrit Vela because of other important commitments then it doesn't mean they can't have an Amrit Vela. Another Amrit Vela is our whole life if at any point we take out time to praise Vaheguru, then that's Amrit Vela.
If you can't do the standard Amritvela then do it whenever you can but in the marines you maybe able to spare time in the early morning.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqJBTfSh4-Ybasicsofsikhi’s Video 109384105778 cqJBTfSh4-Ybasicsofsikhi’s Video 109384105778 cqJBTfSh4-Y

Bhai Sahib Ji, I want to start wearing a Kacherah, even though I haven't taken Amrit. Is it possible to make my own custom one even after taking Amrit. Say for example, one with a slit in the front for easier peeing while at work, and one that has elastic instead of a nalah? Please advise.

Waheguru - definitely do wear a Kacherah no matter if you're Amritdhari there are mean physical and spiritual benefits. The whole point of a Kacherah is to have nalah so it takes time to undo it so we think about what we do. It wouldn't be a Kacherah then Jee.
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

What does hukmnama mean?

As Sikhs we accept Guru Granth Sahib Jee as the living Guru. If we ever want personal advice from our Guru for any situation then we can take a Hukamnama which is an order - answer for you personally. A Sikh should take Hukamnama twice a day, it can also be taken at any time.
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Terry

Veerji, is an amritdhari allowed to dirty music? ie swear words etc

Would Guru Gobind Singh Ji listen to it...
bikhai naadh karan sun bheenaa ||
He listens to the sounds of sin and the music of corruption, and he is pleased.
Liked by: Supreet singh Terry

I have always wondered this..if a man is unable to grow a beard should he not take amrit? I am unable to grow one.

No jee - it's all Vaheguru's Hukam. It perhaps can be embarrassing just see Panj Pyarey they will tell you exactly what to do but you can definitely take Amrit.
Liked by: Supreet singh Terry

As a female I do not feel strong enough to keep hair on my face, as it does not look right. On the other hand fear of breaking amrit keeps me from removing it. It's depressing.Nothing any other person has said helps. It's difficult being a female professional with hair on face.

Bhenji I know that this topic is hard to understand for Singhs so I'd recommend talking with other Singhniya...
But if you think about it - its not normal for women to have facial hair think about this...
Is it normal to the world for someone to wake up half way through the night to remember Vaheguru? Then wear a Dastaar, a crown which makes them stand out? Stay away from 4 Bujjer Kurehat? Not go clubbing, partying and what else the world is up to nowadays? Would worldly people see staying up all night to remember the One Giver - Akaal Purakh normal?
The answer is no! The Khalsa is distinct, that's how Guru Gobind Singh Ji wanted us to be. Always remember, "Jab Lag Khalsa Rahey Niara, Tab Lag Tej Dio Me Sara" - as long as the Khalsa remains unique and distinct, I will give them all my power...
Its up to you if you want to be normal in the world's eyes of Guru's eyes. Just a thought jee.

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Liked by: Terry

Hukmnama, I'm confused about making a big decision in my life about immigrating to different country, can I ask for Hukmnama from guru ji? But I'm not amritdhari but have kesh & don't eat meat.

Don't be confused in thinking Guru Granth Sahib Ji is just for Amritdharis - its open to all four directions.
You take Hukamnama from a Gurdwara or online, they are both equal-
Liked by: Terry

How does one control anger which is due to hormonal changes. I thought it would calm down after taking amrit. I say hurtful things, it's almost as if I am having an outer body experience, thinking "what you saying!!". I want it to stop, I feel my hormonal change is an excuse for me. Help.

Vaheguru - if your not gunna ask then wont be answered ji...
Whenever you get angry then just pause and stop yourself. Take yourself out of the situation for a minute and imagine anger as a separate personal - one that isn't you. Have faith that its not you actually getting angry but its punj chor trying to attack you. Its part of the game its only Mahapurkhs that are completely free from the Panj.
Remember anger is just an energy and it can be taken out there are many different methods like stopping and counting to 10 slowly, just take yourself out of the scene and realise the five thieves are trying to steal your wealth of Naam. And don't blame it on the hormones as you will get a habbit for doing it - do Ardaas and keep the right Sangat jee.
Liked by: Terry sargun

Everyone tell us that we should love sikhi, but no one teaches us how to fall in love with it. Could you please do a video on this topic, Veerji?

Watch our videos on Bairaag and also the ones called Worship Guru with Qi-Rattan. Essentially we fall in love by singing kirtan in sadh sangat.

Bhai Sahib Ji, what is a "Kamar Kassah" (Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the Panj Pyareh wore them). Please advise.

Kammar = Waist
Kassa = Tied..
Its the long cloth (like dastaar material) that tied around the waist and used to hold kirpan and other weapons in place.
Liked by: Terry

Do sants exist? - if so, are the any living ones atm? How do you know someone is a sant

Only if they get full scores on the Supersant game :)
There are real Sants around right now.. Sant Hardev Singh, Sant Ranjit Singh , Sant Seva Singh and many others. Someone who has strong rehat, full of love, lives Gurbani and only looks to join people to SGGS is a Sikh Sant. There are also sants from other faiths and we should respect them too.

Is it true that you can't be a sikh if you have dredlocks and tattoos? I find it difficult to believe that the gurus would exclude exterior qualities like dreds and tattoos, if Sikhi is inclusive. Is that more like a Caste system to exclude certain types of people? Reply ·

You can have tattoos from before taking Amrit, but cannot get any more done after Amrit. Wrt to dreadlocks..the idea is that a Sikh should be able to comb their hair. However if someone has got hair that is unmanageable to comb every day (afro) then they can ask the Panj Piare for special dispensation, eg braids and they may give it to you. Braids would be preferable to dreadlocks. Again, its about practicality.

VJKK VJKF hi veer ji, just interested, at what age did you get into sikhi, and what got you involved, I'm currently thinking about becoming Amrit dhari, and use your videos as a source of motivation

VJKK VJKF, I got into Sikhi when I was 21 and took Amrit at that point ji. Simran and reading stories of our Gurus is what go me started and then Sikhi camp is what sold me on Amrit. I'd recommend a camp and sangat of Gursikhs
Liked by: Terry

I want to work in a hospital and they operate a "bare below the elbows" policy, which includes the Kara. I don't want to remove my Kara for obvious reasons but I appreciate why, to prevent nasty bugs from being transferred(my safety and the patients). Can I put it in my pocket? What should I do?

VJKK VJKF, there are two options ji, you can put it in your pocket or if its a bigger kara (you can get one) you can put it above the elbow like an arm band. Many Sikhs used to wear karas all over their arms. But only during work, after that, it should go on your arm
Liked by: Jasmin Rhandev

WJKK WJKF My family friends are having an Akhand Paath and I want to show your videos to the group of kids there instead of having them run around and scream. What videos do you suggest I choose to show? The kids are 5-16 years olds.Thank you!

WJKK WJKF, good to hear jee - great Seva educating others. Two videos to start with:
Very important to teach firstly about our purpose:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6Fm2MIJEG0basicsofsikhi’s Video 111799868210 l6Fm2MIJEG0basicsofsikhi’s Video 111799868210 l6Fm2MIJEG0
An analogy they will be able to relate too:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryt78Bio9EAbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111799868210 ryt78Bio9EAbasicsofsikhi’s Video 111799868210 ryt78Bio9EA
If they want to see more then go through some of the other videos in "Basics - short videos" playlist. Also maybe go through some videos they'd be interested in in the "FAQs and Q&A" playlist.
If interested in their own time recommend starting with Japji Sahib playlist jee.
Liked by: Jagjeet Singh


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