
Basics of Sikhi

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we had a death in the family and other ladies told us we are not supposed to cook in our kitchen for certain days. is that a hindu culture or sikh too? plz try to anwer this fast so we know what we are supposed to do. thnx.

Its a ritual/superstition ji...

I have a question so deep and personal that I feel I can only let out to you guys it's so deep that even on this I think it's too exploitive... Any help?! Waheguru Ji khaal Khalsa waheguru Ji ki fateh

VJKK VJKF! Guru has all answers jee, we are just servants and beggars of the Guru...
We can only try help ji - please email basicsofsikhi@gmail.com

Can you only take Amrit once and then if needed do one pesh and if u break that then u can't take Amrit again?

No you can go pesh more than once if Panj Piare accept you but it doesn't mean we keep making mistakes.

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Gurfateh Ji! December was a real dark time for Sikhs, but living in America, one of the most jolliest holidays(Christmas) is also in December. As gursikhs how do we manage to celebrate Christmas?or should we not do it all?

VJKK VJKF! In the month of December there were so many Shaheeds that sacrificed their lives and we should never forget them, it's because of their sacrifices that we're here today. We should remember them instead of Santa as they actually existed. That's fine that because we live in the West and Christmas is a tradition we may celebrate but never to forget the Shaheeds!!

I just read an answer, please elaborate on the elastic in the kacherra and why its not acceptable, they never had elastics in gurujis time. Idk,but i want to take amrit in the future and im just curious.

Kacchera is meant to have a knot so we always think twice before indulging in any Kaam. If its elastic then its not really a Kacchera because a Kacherra should have knot.

VJKK, VJKF When I listen to gurbani katha sometimes different Gyanis/Vidvaans give different interpertations of the same Shabad, which one is correct? Thanks

VJKK VJKF! They're all correct in their own respect. Gurbani is so amazing and beant (limitless) that we cannot set a definitive meaning to it.
Liked by: Kam Gopi ✋

Is it true Guru Nanak said the distance from the moon, and now scientists have confirmed he was correct?

Haven't heard that one but if Guru Nanak Dev Ji said that then he wouldn't be wrong.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

I usually have my headphones in at home listening to kirtan, katha or naam Simran. When going to the bathroom is it ok if I keep them in or should I turn it off for the time?

I wouldn't take it into bathroom just to keep Satkaar (respect).
Liked by: Gopi ✋

VJKK VJKF. I am new to learning gurbani, and I am trying to learn the correct pronunciations by youtube, but the giani tends to go fast and I slow down the speed, however I feel that it is sometimes disrespectful to gurbani. I also heard writing it out helps with the correct pronunciation.

VJKK VJKF! Try and listen to slower Paath just search which ever Bani and slow. I think your looking for Santhiya for correct pronunciation of Gurbani, maybe look for classes near you. Make sure you keep Satkaar (respect) when writing Bani as that is our Guru.
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Kam

I have heard in basics of sikhis videos on YouTube that we should have classes in gw sperated by age/knowledge etc.but what would be the first step to take do this? I really want to convince the gw in the states to do this but just don't know what step I should take first?

The first thing and most important thing is to first of all learn w and then think about helping others. In regards to setting up classes which is vital, would recommend getting youth together and the only way is to get into the committee as youth and then take over from there...

what if the first time I took amrit, I didn't really give my head. my parents forced me. I didn't know what I was getting into. I've broken rehit almost right after it.. but now I'm getting back on track. do I need to take amrit again?

Just see Panj Piare in the next Amrit Sanchaar and tell them what's happened ji.

Some people put Kanga in their pockets, rather than putting it in their hair. Is that acceptable? Some even use kacchera with elastic? Is that okay?

Kanga should be on body at all times and in Kesh. The whole point of Kacchera is for it to take time to open so elastic is not ok.

kesh means we do not have to cut hairs of any part of our body???

Hanji - Kesh is a gift from Vaheguru and we should keep it how it was given.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

If after taking amrit, one commits a bujjar kureit, does the person need to take amrit again ? or just go for pesh ?

Pesh, you only ever take Amrit once.
Liked by: Gopi ✋

When i ask for something from siri guru granth sahib ji i sometimes dont do the full ardas, will my prayers still get answered? And also sometimes when i ask for something i feel like i need to offer something back is that true? And what if i cant uphold what i say? Will i be punished?

Guru knows everything even without us speaking it in Ardaas. It doesn't matter how long your Ardaas is but most importantly how your Ardaas is - how much love/faith you do your Ardaas with and whether or not you come as a Bhekari (beggar) when asking from Guru.
Guru doesn't ask for anything in return, just gives and gives and we will get tired of receiving. If in your own love you do give something back then that's fine ji, but Guru doesn't ask for anything. Remember Sikhi is all about love!!

Why do we throw flowers on top of Guru Granth Sahib Ji and why do we spray perfume around Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

DHAN Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj is the living Guru !!! Guru doesn't need flowers, perfume or even Chaur Sahib but Sikhs do it out of respect as the more respect we give to Guru the more we will get back. We do all of these things out of love to show our affection for Maharaj.

When i havnt don my paath i feel guilty but when i listen to it or start doing it again i start crying why is this? Is it me just missing my guru?

Looks like it yes. We should aim to have Nirmal Bhao which is a pure type of fear and it's good that you feel bad for not doing Paath as your soul is directly crying out for its daily does of medicine.

Im marrying a non sikh girl so should i not go through with traditional sikh wedding

If you want to marry a non-Sikh then Anand Karaj is not for you jee as then it would become a ritual.
Liked by: Gopi ✋


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