
Basics of Sikhi

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Ggsahibji has lots of scientific facts about planets, before scientists even found out :O amazing! Can you tell me some other scientific facts pleeasseeeee

Guru Sahib tells us about Chaurasi Lakh Joon which is the 8.4 million life cycle and scientists have estimated there are around 8million species from a previous estimate of 100million!

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Paaji if god forbid you got cancer,would you blame god?

Lol nah Bhenji, I would be like what are you testing me with now? And then think of this pungti:
Kabir mo marenna ka chau hai
Which translates as I can't wait to die, because when you die from the noose of this world and it's desire it is only then when you become aware of what truly exists. This body is just temporary and having cancer can remind you of why we have come to this world.

Me & my partner married very young. Later in marriage kept my hair then took amrit. She has told me she no longer likes me and our relationship is very poor. She also talks negatively of me to my children who are very young ie dont listen to him etc when I promote sikhi to them. What shall I do walk

Vjkk vjkfateh
Veer Ji in no way am i any sort of councillor but I can tell you what I would personally do in this situation.
Firstly do ardas to guru Ji, if you don't know how to do the formal ardas then speak from your heart with all your emotion and ask for help and a guiding hand. Then begin to be aware of the world and what tests/ opportunities vaheguru will give you to help you in this time.
Next I would sit down with your wife and ask what the problem is and what measures can be taken to stop the breakdown of the relationship. As I'm assuming you married in front of SGGS Ji so the relationship is scared but you two also made a promise in which you would walk towards the guru together.
Jab thae bhaette saadh dhaeiaara thab thae dhurmath dhoor bhae
The above translates as since I met the compassionate saint (vaheguru or SGGS Ji in your case) the attack of anxiety and fear on my mind has been washed away.
Sunina, Sat santokh gian
By listening to the teachings of SGGS Ji will we receive the truth and this will lead to santokh which is contentment and finally true knowledge which we didn't have before.
Veer Ji have true faith and leave all the worries at the door of Guru Ji.

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Jagraj talks about experiencing rather than believing in god, how can I experience god

Jap naam, do ardas for naam and the guru to take your hand.
Ask for Amrit if you haven't taken Amrit already, try to walk in hukam.
Read gurbani and utilise gurbani in your life I.e. Speak sweetly, do Seva
Do Seva and simran together.
Wake u at Amrit vayalaa and jap naam.
JAP NAAM Ji, whatever you mind tells you to do after this... Because it will begin to say this isn't working for me but still keep going :)

I work as a part time employer in evening till night and hence it's getting difficult for me to do my rehras sahib in the evening (job is generally 4-9 PM). Kindly Help

Do regard do regard at 9, the singhs back in the day did it based off the sun and when it was setting.

I broke my Amrit once by cutting my hair and I truly am sorry and I want to repent for it what should I do?

Go pesh to Panj Piare and tell them your mistakes.
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Harjot

Me and my mum are the opposites. Its to hard to please her. What should i do please help?

I had a similar situation with my Dad, what we need to understand is if this path we wish to travel on is becAuse we want to be one with the guru then we need to search for the truth.
At the beginning you will get many tests to make you stronger and to break your minds ego... So you listen to only the guru. Loads of people fail at this stage because they have a greater attachment to the world.
Sunnia, saara gunna kai gaah:
But if we want to truly dive deep into the gurus virtues then we will need to go through this. The gurus breaking what we were apart and at the same time reforming us.
With your mother show love and compassion, read gurbani and take hukamnamas from Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji to ask for help and see what truth they will reveal to you at that moment to help. It may seem that your following what the gurus doing and your not getting the results you expected but even that is your mind being attacked by expectations. If we remember that the guru is only going to do good for us, good which the world or even ourselves won't be able to realise in the near future but for sure the guru is only going to help us.
Vjkfateh vjkfateh

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I talk too much and i want to stopy ego. I try reading bani but sometimes its alot to recite and remember. Is there a small line in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji that i can repeat at like school in my head??

Nook mantar veer Ji :)

Whenever i read bani the middle of my forehead always builds up alot of pressure and hurts alot and keeps hurting for about an hour why is this

Good sign.... When it happens try not to focus on it and after you've read gurbani just close your eyes and jap naam or look mantar
Don't get caught up with what it is Ji
Liked by: Gopi ✋ Roy Harjot

My parents strongly believe im caste. If marry someone from my caste like a jatt would it be a bad thing?

This path is about truth... Who cares about what caste someone is where they come from. This path is purely about the truth when Guru Nanak dev Ji came onto this world and utter those words which pierced ears for generations to come:
Ik ong Kar.... There is only the one. If you believe the guru to be your true guru, if you believe them to be the satguru. If as a sikh you accept Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as your guru then I would say ask your guru for what the truth. They will tell you that there is only the Ik, their nirbhao and nirvair... All loving and without fear. If your goal is to meet the guru and be one with the guru then you will know the answer
Bul chuk marf


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