
Becca Taylor ☼

Ask @beccahopetaylor

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5 wishes, what would they be?

Dear fairy godmother
1) No more bullying, ew
2) Abuse/rape to stop
3) World peace(y)
4) Liers to shut up
5) Less attention seekers pls:*
Liked by: Omar Ghanem amy

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If you could leave tomorrow with a one-way ticket, where would you go?


one thing you hate?

people telling others to kill themselves.
No, you're not cool, and its not even funny.
Liked by: amy

opinion on tamara?

AW TOOSH BABY:* she is just bloody hilarious. Geography is so funny, mr clapton hates us, apart from when we're writing notes (he loves keeping up with the goss). Shes stunning omfg, shes amazing at singing+sport+her hairs cool:'3 i love her, our fam is the cutest and she is just adorbs, i love her so much, aww,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Liked by: Tamara

Me; NO DONT YOU DARE TAKE MY UNTIED STATES you; urm please give it to me I won. Me; NAH BITCH CAN'T TOUCH DIS' *runs round the room* Miss; um Tamara could you please sit down and do your work or play your game Me; NO I CAN NOT PLAY WITHOUT THE USA WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE CONTROLLING MY LIFE NO

HAHAHAHAHAH, OMG. Everyone was like: OMG GUYZ GO SIT DWN PLS, WER HAVIN A SRS GAME. we were like- yeah same wot u on?
Liked by: Tamara

Opinion on millie Thompson?

sadfghjkhgfdsdfghjkjhgfdsdyjuhgfdsd, brace yourself darlings;
personally i want to marry her- but *somepeople* are in the way of that. rather depressing really. anyways; she makes my day, like- every day,and i tell her everything and i owe her money, damn;s she gives the best advice not even joking, and shes so funny, SHE MAKES FRENCH FUNNY.. *FRENCH*, everyone loves her, and i love her sososososoossoosososoooooooooo etc much,
okey, bye,
Liked by: MillieThompson

compliment : you have a really nice personality and your preety :) by the way, i didnt ask for opinion ahha, probably omar or millie again -.- xxxxx

awww wooo:) thanks, hahha, yeah i thought it would be-.-xxxxx

opinions on sophie budd?

shes just a bit bummish really, so very pretty&wise, love her to pieces, we have marmiteontoast days, and shes one of my bestfriends:3xxxxx
oh and we can both speak fluent swedish which i think's pretty cool
Liked by: Sophie

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

no lol.
im not in love with my friends but they make me happy:3xxx


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