
Becca Taylor ☼

Ask @beccahopetaylor

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What do you love the smell of? 

grass when its just been mowed omg<3
the smell when you blow out a match stick
fresh air
looooads of smells can think of them all:p

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How many sms do you send a day?

not as many as i used to cause of bbm, but likee, depending who im talking to, 0-100?;)

Describe what a good friend means to you?

someone who you can trust and will not say anything behind your back thats harsh, someone who you can be yourself with and not be worried about how you look etc just asdfghjkl idk, you know who they are when you have one!:')x

What would be your perfect date?

anything as long as i was with a nice guy who liked me and i liked them :')

I got confused i thought you were me because i am in your profile picture and your ask.fm background was my computer background :p

hahahahah;) failure- ohh, need to change it to starry sky;O

Language: English