

Ask @benguino

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how many different foods beginning with ch can you name in 2 minutes?

Churro, Chinese food, chocolate, cherry, champagne, children, chalk candy, chips, chimichanga.
I actually timed myself for two minutes. Some of my answers are a bit of a stretch ._.

how would you explain the irony of a "good" not generally being a good thing when playing ffr? the way people tend to interpret ffr timing judgments leads me to believe that perfect/good/average/miss should be named average/bad/terrible/cataclysmic instead. why is everyone so self-deprecating?

One possible explanation is so that players that are new to the game don't feel so terrible when they first play. Imagine if someone plays ffr for the first time and they see "average/bad/terrible/cataclysmic". Chances are, they would break down in tears and never play the game again. However, if they first play the game and they are mostly hitting perfects and goods, then they won't feel as bad and would continue to play the game.

you acquire 501 space hoppers because a friend of yours saw that the corner store had a buy 500 get 1 free offer so he bought 501 intending to return 500 for a full price refund to end up with a net gain of 1 free one. this didn't work so he dumped them on your doorstep. what do you do with them?

Thank you Wikipedia for letting me know that "the term 'space hopper' is more common in the UK; the toy is less familiar in the United States, and may be known as a 'hoppity hop', 'hippity hop' or a sit n bounce." At first I thought you were talking about some machine in the future that would allow for one to teleport or "hop" through space.
For this situation, I would assume his plan didn't work because the corner store probably told him that he would need to return all 501 of them in order to get his full refund back (as opposed to returning 500, getting a full price refund, and ending up with a net gain of 1 free space hopper). So what I would do with the 501 space hoppers is go to the store and give them all 501 of them and get a full price refund. Perhaps I might purchase one back for the novelty of the situation so I can remember it. Thus, I would end up with a net gain of the value of 500 space hoppers (considering I had 0 space hoppers on my doorstep before the incident).
If I somehow misinterpreted the problem, let me know ('^)>

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if you were a taxi driver and your passenger asked you to drive backwards to their destination for 3 times the fare, would you accept? for the sake of argument, assume you're in broad daylight, it's about 1.5 km, in a generally suburban area

Converting km to miles (to get a better feel for the situation) I get about 1 mile. After finding a local taxi service that displays their fares online (this was rather hard to find for some reason) it supposedly cost $3 for the first 1/8th mile and $0.30 for each additional 1/8th mile. This rate is for a taxi service on the opposite side of the island but I don't think that would change things too much. Anyways, so normally, for 1 mile, that would be $3 for the first 1/8th mile and $0.30*7 for the remaining 7/8th miles which comes to a total of $5.10. Three times that fare would bring me up to $15.30. Considering how much I hate reversing in general and considering the high likelihood that I would end up in a car accident by driving in reverse for about 1 mile, I don't think I would do it for $15.30.

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how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

rank these 5 things in order of your preference? 1. painting every wall in your house a different colour 2. bitcoins 3. first-day snowboarders sliding down difficult slopes on their butt, ruining all the snow 4. installing a landline phone in your university dorm room 5. playing ddr with a keyboard

Ranked from things I most to least prefer:
1. Painting every wall in my house a different color. This white is getting boring.
2. Bitcoins. The concept is interesting but I would want to do some more research before diving in and/or investing my money in them.
3.Installing a landline phone if my university dorm room (assuming I hypothetically lived in a university dorm room). I mean, I have my cell phone but the good thing about a landline I guess is that I don't need to worry about the battery dying and having to charge it?
4. Playing ddr with a keyboard. There is already ffr and sm for that :P
N/A about the snowboarding one. I'm not sure how to answer this since it basically never snows here so such a situation would never affect me.

you're playing poker with a tiger, a rhino and a pig. you have 9s9h, the flop is 3dQh4s. the tiger is laughing hysterically and mocking everyone, but only checks. the rhino gets mad, threateningly glares at the tiger, and bets 5x minimum. the pig folds. do you fold, call, raise, or run screaming?

I would run screaming...I don't want to see how quickly the tiger loses its temper in the case that he/she is a sore loser.

why do you think that you are not brave?

Because I think I honestly spend too much time worrying about things xP Even if I do take what might seem like a "risk", I proceed on in a very careful manner; making it a point to evaluate each possible action and its possible consequences. I will admit though, I do plenty of things, everyday perhaps, that I find to be "scary." It takes me awhile to muster up the courage but I'm willing to face my fears I think...although I still do so in a very overly-cautious sort of way. So perhaps I'm a bit braver than I give myself credit for. However, when I think of someone who is really brave, I envision someone that has a lot of self-confidence in themselves and their beliefs that can instantly muster up the courage necessary to do what they need to do and to push forward.

Do you think you're brave?

I'd say no >.< This is a question of the day so I'm not going to go into too any detail unless someone asks.

How do you develop trust and mutual understanding with your supervisor?

Well, for the trust part, the best possible thing you can do is to be honest. This not only includes saying things that are true to your supervisor but it also includes abiding by the rules, company policy, honor code, or whatever. Another thing is to not to try to hide your mistakes. In most cases, your supervisor would want to rather be alerted about the mistake so it can be resolved as opposed to you hiding it and having larger consequences in the future. You should have some level of autonomy, however, your supervisor is there to make the decisions about what to do in those unusual circumstances and you should respect that. In terms of mutual understanding, that'll come with developing a sense of trust with your supervisor. However, mutual understanding is a two-way street just to let you know :P Lastly, the best thing you can possibly do is to have a good attitude at the workplace...nobody likes a Grumpy Gus!

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In response to my previous answer: I meant to say 1/H_0, sorry ('n)> Also, as a remark, "proper distance" is not exactly the usual sense of distance so it might be worth taking a look at.

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how do i find the Age of the Universe using the hubble law?

I was looking into it, but it gets kind of complicated, but I'll try my best >.<
Hubble's Law basically states that v = HD where v is the recessional velocity (how fast something is moving away), H is hubble's constant (which changes over time, we use H_0 to denote the "current" hubble constant) and D is the proper distance away. In other words, the farther something is away, the faster it is moving away from us. This suggests, at least at this very point in time, that our universe is expanding since H is measured to be a positive number.
There is something known as the deceleration constant, q, which talks about how H is changing over time (recall that H is time dependent). This deceleration constant is also uniquely determined by the ratio of matter and dark energy in the universe. If q was positive, that would imply that the expansion of the universe is slowing down due to gravitational attraction (which would lead to the "big crunch" idea in the end). However, according to a recent study, q is actually negative, thus our universe is expanding and will continue to expand at faster and faster speeds. The current age of the universe, which is near the result of q being 0, is estimated to be H_0 (the current hubble constant) or around 14.4 billion years.
I am no expert on this stuff, I had to look some stuff up myself, but I hoped I answered your question (both correctly and appropriately!)

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10/10 response

Thanks? xD I'm assuming this is in response to my stuff regarding test scores...idk.

Should schools offer cash bonuses for good test scores?

When it comes to exams, say like an in-class exam or something along the lines of an AP or SAT/ACT exam, then my answer would be no. This is because there actually exists a reason for why someone would want to be motivated to do well on such things. Obviously, AP and SAT/ACT scores will determine whether or not they get into a college of their choice and similarly, in-class exams determine their course grades which is another major factor when it comes to college admissions. If students choose not to do well on those exams, then that is their choice.
Now when it comes to things like standardized state exams, then I agree that those could use some type of incentive. Because right now, there is quite literally none. Colleges don't look at your standardized state exams and you gain nothing from doing well on them. The school DOES benefit however because the results from the tests determines how much they get in funding and stuff. However, students don't care about these school benefits because they'll be out of high school by the time the student sees those benefits. Thus, there are students that will just sit there and NOT do the exam and submit a score of ZERO. While I might have to think twice about cash as a bonus, I think there needs to be some type of inventive in place.
I usually don't answer the "question of the day" things from ask.fm, but I thought this was an interesting one.

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Liked by: Beeeo

Do you think you are smarter than the average person?

I think that everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. I'll admit, I have a knack math but that doesn't make me "smarter" than someone who doesn't. To go over just a few of my weak points:
-I suck at history. It's not that I don't enjoy it...I just easily forget the facts...especially dates.
-I stumble over my words a lot when I speak
-I burn things more often than not when I cook
-I spent hours trying to figure out why my headset wasn't working only to have my friend tell me that it isn't working because I have my mic button set to "OFF"
-My short-term memory is like a goldfish. If you ask me to memorize a phone number, even for 5 seconds...I will beg and cry that you find someone else to do that for you.

what do we get if the gravitational force crushes a neutron star?

I know neutron stars are things that are the result of a former large star that ends up gravitationally collapsing on itself. From what I recall, if a neutron star is large enough, then it'll collapse even further to become a black hole.
PS Who is this and why the handful of astronomy questions? :P

what happens to space near a mass?

The best analogy I can think of is the one where you imagine the universe and the fabric of spacetime is an elastic net. One you "place" an object with mass, it "stretches" and pulls down on the elastic net, so if you put a smaller mass close enough, the distortion of the elastic net of the larger object will have a significant impact to the motion and other things concerning the smaller object.
I'm no expert in this field, so please excuse me since I am not too knowledgeable about this kind of stuff xP

light speed is the highest possible speed in the universe. light takes 8 min. from the sun to the earth. however, according to newtons formula for gravity, the gravity from the sun would instantly disappear the moment the sun would disappear. what was the solution to this problem?

From the sources I read...yes the sun's gravity would instantly disappear from where the sun originally was however, the speed of light is really the speed of "causality" (i.e. the maximum speed at which information propagates through the universe) thus the "speed of gravity" would actually be the same as the speed of light. In other words, if the sun were to suddenly disappear, then we wouldn't feel the effects for another 8 minutes.

wanna build a snowman?

Yes, I would very much want to build a snowman...the last time I touched snow was 14 years ago ;~;

What's one thing you hate having to pay for?

Gasoline. Although I have no choice when my car goes,

why does the world go round?

Because of physics. It's like spinning a top...but now imagine that you spin it in outer space...it's going to keep spinning for a very long time (recall that an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by some outside force). There is a myriad of other forces on the earth so if I remember correctly, the spinning is slowing down. However, in the very short term, these other forces are negligible and we can assume our days are going to roughly be around 24 hours long~

What made you happy today?

Well, I literally just woke up a few minutes ago. So I guess the thing that made me the most happy so gar is seeing that I have a question on my ask.fm. Sorry, for going kind of meta on ya, but not much has happened in the past few minutes.


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