
Damon Jelić

Ask @blacksmokejoker

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Wie stehst du zu Provokationen (offensichtlich) auf Fake? (Absichtliches 'kopieren/inspirieren', Sprüche auf ask uvm.)

Juckt mich nicht, bin ich ganz ehrlich. Wenn die Person mir gegenüber meint das dies lustig ist und sie bereichert, warum nicht. How cares? Verschwende doch nicht meine Energie in so etwas.

📲 blacksmokejoker

blacksmokejoker’s Profile PhotoDamon Jelić
He smokes a packet of Marlboros and calls in the day, lassoing the sun down off the hills. Thick smoke obstructs his trachea on the way to nourish the cancer that is already swelling inside the dying eco-system of the lungs. In the thick of the woods, foxes prowl and sniff out aging blood spilt and brown on the woolshed door. Last summer our clothed bodies shot into the river rapids like cold, hard bullets, knives of water to toss and roll us until we ran out of oxygen. Your eyes flash to mine, flowing with maple and ringed with butterscotch, you remind me of melting ice cream sliding down swallowing throats, stale library books, and blood oaths in the strawberry patch — the fruit stains acting as blood, running in rivulets to our elbows.

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