

Ask @booyassi

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ada kegiatan apa?

kegiatan apa dulu? rl? kuliah, lomba, organisasi and stuffs
rp? i dont waste my time playing rp anymoar

Hello peeps this is Hechu❣ When u and ur ex still thinking of and care about each other, what would you do? Will you ask her/him to go back? thankseu❣

nih ya gue kasih tau. mau lo masih saling sayang ataupun ngasih perhatian segede apapun. sometimes, certain things are not meant to go back like what it used to be. it . just. cant. tapi ya balik lagi, faith has the strongest power to decides. that depends on the ex couple itself.

How to find true love?

everyone is basicly your true love. but ya it depends on how you manage to keep the relationship between you and your partner.

Where would you like to spend your holiday?

netflix. playlist of calming musics and novels. that would be nice

Is your favorite time the past, present or the future?

future. by that time, i'll make sure i've overcome the pain that im feeling rn. like i would have known how things would turn out..so scared yet so excited xx!

You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?

(( the day that i lost my confidence.

9months inactive, now I'm decide to active. hello everyone! I have a question for you. whats your opinion about rpers who talk to much about their rl? is it disturbing you or nah?

Tiffany [tha~tha]
honestly? i dont really care lol
as long as its not ruining the image of his/her faceclaim itself.

Do you miss me? Lama ga nongol dimari anjir. Pakabar klen? Pada main toketmon ga? Kayanya emang gue doang yg gaminat donlot ?? pap lah sumthin funny. Gue kambek butuh hiburan abis gumoh liat pidio bang ipul yg baru di nyutup ??


maaf rl ya kawan di rl gue pnya tmn dkt gue kesian liat dia dgn kejadian ini. ada guru di sklh gue blng tmn gue udh dipake & jablay. apa guru pantes buat bilang kaya gitu? terus tmn gue dibilang penghianat sm guru itu. ini bisa di ambil jalur hukum gk si? dan msh bnyk lg fitnahan guru itu..

mending lapor ke kpai terlebih dahulu sih kalo kata guee. atau bilang ke kepsek/bk
.jgn gegabah ambil tindak hukum


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