

Ask @Brittany_isfullofshit

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Lol I remember the time kiya got mad at josh and she said she would rip of his dick and clue it on your face. Then I notice every guy she gets mad at she says the same thing. So yesterday I left my device plugged into the wall at school. Brandon was near it so I told him if he touched it I would cut if his dick and clue it on your face. He was like wtf see kiya broke me:)! Lmfao
Liked by: ht morgan

Hi this is Noaeh Hebert from school I was wondering if you wanna go out?

Lmfao I know this isn't Noah you spelled his name wrong it's Noah Herbert dumb ass. Umm even if it was Noah no thank yo hi don't like you at all I only put up with you cuz of bailey. But Noah wouldn't ask me out cuz we hate each other so ya pce anon ✌(aka 'Noaeh Hebert')
Liked by: ht morgan


One of the nicest guys I know, really funny and smart. Your good at bball and you would be cute with molly lol Jkjk. And we are actually texting rn soo yaa. ✋🏀🏆
Liked by: ht morgan

Emily S

Sometimes your really annoying and stupid and not being funny and you get me in trouble a lot. Other times your funny and nice and fun. 😱😐👑
Liked by: ht


*kit-kat! Your really nice and so pretty. Your hella funny and cool. Sometimes you get mad and let a bomb on people for no reason. But I'm use to that and now it's so funny. We have weird convos about guys and that's pretty fun. Your one of my good friends ✋👑💖
Liked by: ht


You use to be annoying and bugged me a lot but now you seem more chill. Your funny and nice I guess well your nice to some people. Your cool and ya your sister is cool too. You and Noah should still be dating tbh. 🎁🎅🎄
Liked by: ht


One of my best friends:) extremely funny really pretty and outgoing and nice. Since your moving schools next year i will miss you so much!! I don't think I could handle school without you.
We will always have are skittles:) ily 💞💘
Liked by: ht

How do you know if a guy is a Fuckboy

#1- They play 21 questions with you
#2 They play t or d with you
#3 He says he only has snapchat
#4 He asks for nudes
#5 Mentions asses a lot
#6 Says I love you in the 2 minute range you met him
#7 He tells you he wants to have sex with you
That's all I could think of in the moment.
Liked by: ht

Y u such a retard ass.

If I'm such a retard ass then why are you on my ask? Leave and get a life stupid fuck tard
Liked by: ht


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