

Ask @Brittany_isfullofshit

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Honestly I hate how some people thinks its ok to spread rumors around the school. Everyday its so annoying if you say one thing to a friend the next day the whole school will know about it and come up to you. Also when someone that isnt even your friend but you use to be or they just now stuff about you when they go around spreading shit. If your going to be mean shut your mouth or at least don't be rude. And then you ask who told someone then both friends deny it, if you started drama or rumors at least admit to it instead of making it worst. And i'm sick of people think i'm so shy and quite, you obviously dont know me cuz I can never shut the hell up. And if I am quite at sometimes or hate presenting in front of the class its not my fault I have to deal with it for the rest of my life. And please if you dont like me tell me that instead of spreading stupid rumors about me and my friends. Drama is Life and life is drama. Theres no getting out of it, you can only deal with it.

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Liked by: Molly

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Its hard to manage your school work and have a social life any thoughts?

I agree it is hard you should try to be a level 3 student and have fun with friends at school. Alot of people act dumb in front of there friends cuz they want to be cool. Honestly just be yourself, try your best and you can balance out school work and your social life.

I need some advice my friend is cutting but she told me not to tell anyone not even the teachers or any adult. Do I keep my promise and leave it alone or tell an adult? Im scared that if I do tell she would hate me.

I had a friend that was going through that too. My opinion is that you should tell an adult. I can understand where your coming from the part you think she would hate you. But think about it which is worst? Losing your friend's trust or losing your friend? I don't mean by losing your friend that you never talk anymore i'm saying what if it gets to the point of suicide. I really hope you do the right thing and if you dont want to lose your friends trust ask the adult you have told to not tell her who told them.

Thoughts on grade 8 drama

Grade 8 drama is stupid we over reacted about things that shouldn't really matter. But life has drama in it and you cant walk away from it.

Why the fuck would you give $100 to hayden are you stupid? Now your in trouble because of him hes such a dick fuck

idk why and its not his fault im in trouble he didn't hold a gun to my head and said give me money so anon think before you blame people and he's a better person than you would ever be.
Liked by: Peyton


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