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Lagi suka sama cewe ga ka ? Terus lagi pendekatan apa nih sama cewe itu ? Share dikit lahhh;p

lagi suka sama orang, tapi gatau siapa

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is that true? boys do silly things, front of they ex, they act like they are didnt need girls. but actually, they are trully miss that girl. is that true or just exist on movie or something?

not on me. I don't miss my past. I don't need a girl who doesn't even think about me. But in fact, boys have feelings too. we just never show it in front of you(girls), we never show our pain in front of you, we never show our tears in front of you, we'd rather like to pretend that it's okay to feel that shit.

u said 'love is bigger than ego' but do u think that love can kills that? i mean..just look up. reality. people fall in love, trully in love, then they puts a big efforts to understanding, but that's why..when they thinks that has done so much for love, they become greedy,like wants a feedbck. wdyt?

it's fair. it's like I give you an ocean, but you don't even want to get touched of water. get it?

Do you believe in love?

yes I do, I really do. I mean true love. not about kid nowadays saying "I love you" to her girlfriend or his boyfriend. love is not about word, love is something bigger than your ego, something that will make you go outside and do something better for yourself.
But sometimes, "masih banyak sesuatu yg lebih penting daripada sekedar kata cinta" - maliq & d'essentials

We often find people (or even you) in informal conversation rarely use apostrophe (') as the short indication of words combination (it's, we're, I'm, etc). They sometimes disregard the usage of apostrophe which can cause the word ambigution (e.g. "it's" becomes "its". Ambiguous, right?). So, wdyt?

opo iki? :(

Saran dong, gw suka sama cewe,tapi ternyata gw baru tau kalo cewe itu mantannya temen gw, kan otomatis jadi gw jauhinkan. Tp cewe itu jg suka sama gw udah ketauan lah dari kelakuannya ke gw, gw bingung mau ngejauh apa gue deketin aja. Ya secara jg dia udh putus kan sm temen gue. Menurut kalian gmn?

kejar. gak ada salahnya kan udah putus juga. asal lo sama temen lo ini udah sama2 dewasa dan sadar hubungan cewek yg lo suka sama temen lo udah gak ada apa2 lagi. Tapi kalo emang lo takut, mending lo tanya temen lo aja dulu deketin ato kagak. dengan catatan ntar kalo udh pacaran gaboleh renggang hubungannya sama temen lo.
btw gw lagi un, semangatin napa

Misalnya kamu dihadapkan pada dua masalah. Pertama, masalah pada diri sendiri, yaitu (perasaan) hati. Kedua, masalah pada orang lain yang menghalangi (perasaan) hati kamu itu. Jika diminta untuk memilih salah satu untuk diselesaikan duluan, kamu pilih yang mana? Alasannya?

masalah pribadi deluan. analoginya gini, di pesawat kalo lagi ada musibah disuruh selamatkan diri deluan kan baru nyelamatin orang lain? Ya begitulah kira2


Language: English