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Ask @buayamakankucing

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It feels hard u know, everything was fine. And then i should start all over again, thanks te.

if it feels like weighing you down then make it go away
the time will pass, girl
ur welcome

And another problem is, ur family knows him and his family does to. Everything around u support ur relationship. But ur heart say no. How?

then what's the problem? if they support me, they will support my decision to let him go too. isn't it?

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If you were a girl who has boyfriend, you thought he would be the one, everything accidentally always happen to you, makes you think that both of you were meant to be togther. But theres something weird in ur boyfriend, lies, no communication, and distance. How's ur opinion?

I will find out what's happened to him

What cheesey song do you have memorized?

let's take a walk tonight
we're gonna talk this out
the moon is holding up my alibis
so what if your with him tonight?
so what if I can't be there?
you were never really with me anyway
with hopes of starting over
(i'll send you post card when i get there)
far from you
one day i will find you even when you're not around
don't say "we wont last any longer"
or "you will find someone better"
it's you that im waiting for
so I'll wait for you
take notes that we'll still have each other
we'll drive away
the art of highschool break up - Pee Wee Gaskins
njir capek nulisnya
Liked by: Cela

Yeay hidup anak IPS! haha pantes mau cabut kak wkwk?

haha kan gaada hubungannya dik. tiap hari juga cabut kalo gabut

Hai kak aku habis stalking ask fm kakak mungkin dari jawaban kakak kayanya bisa membantu pertanyaan akuu. Menurut kakak bener gak sih kalau "cowo" itu terkadang lupa sama usaha perempuan/terkadang melihat kalau hanya dia yang berusaha

emang sih kalo cowok kebanyakan usaha buat cewek kadang si cowok suka ngerasa egois karna ngerasa paling berusaha dalam hubungan itu.
nah skrg aku tanya dulu ke kamu ya
emangnya kenapa kok cuma cowok yg selalu usaha? apa ceweknya gak pernah usaha? apa ceweknya usaha tp gapernah ditunjukkin ke cowoknya? apa si cewek gapernah ngehargain usaha si cowok jadi cowoknya selalu ngerasa dia selalu usaha sendirian? bukannya lebih baik kalo cowok sama cewek sama2 usaha biar porsi "usaha"nya pas dan gaada berat sebelah antara si cewek sama cowok? trus kenapa si cowok selalu usaha? apa emang ceweknya keras kepala? atau si cowok usaha biar si cewek ngerasain apa yg si cowok rasain?
kamu harus bisa jawab itu dulu
pasti ada alesannya kenapa kok


Language: English