
! tae !

Ask @bvtterscotch

what do you think your biggest strengths and weaknesses are as an author?

i could just list a whole bunch of weaknesses and zero strengths bc self-hating author u feel bUT i'll try thinking hmm
- ideas? i have bursts of inspiration, i always like jotting them down in evernote. they're literally random - it could be a song lyric, movie, advertisement, or anything. like one time i was in science class learning about water conservation and i had a 'no water world' apocalypse idea lol
they usually come in the forms of really rough concepts or quotes!! i have so many ideas my evernote is filled to the brim with story ideas and character ideas
- meticulous with characterization? whenever i plan out a story i write down the rough concept, then i plan the characters - i don't write the plot first, the plot comes naturally as i get a sense of who my characters are. because i delve into plot making with knowledge of my characters, i think i'm less prone to making them act out of character in the story.
but i only plan out stories w character plans and stuff when they're multichaptered if they're oneshots i usually just write
- kind of connected to the one before but bc i focus a lot on characterization i guess they become pretty realistic people you could see everyday? sometimes they're inspired by real people ex) sehun from easy peasy lemon squeezy is kind of an incarnation of myself and a friend of mine lol
- lazy: what's the point of having so many ideas if u never write them + sometimes i don't edit
- permanent creative block: i want to write but i can't write?? like i type out something but it's so horrible and forced that i have to backtrack over and over again and i give up it's an evil cycle
- not good with descriptions: i look back at my fics and my descriptions are really poor and stale? like i think my english is deteriorating w rapid progress smh
- awkward, wordy sentence structure: this is something i really need to work on ugh
- awkward dialogue: not all the time, but sometimes i find my dialogues really cringy or unnatural, like it sounds weird said out loud
- character archetypes get old: bc i write with the same ships it's easy to make them seem all the same in the stories i write bc some character traits are bound to overlap and i think i still need to improve a lot on characterization

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what do you think is your most overrated story and your most underrated story? or do you think they all get the attention they deserve?

overrated story: tbh all of them?????? most of my yoonseul fics lel
- easy peasy lemon squeezy: this is a literal shitfest and i've just posted one ratchet af chapter but people seem to take to my sarcastic style of humor i'm shocked tbh
- no amortentia required: because i kinda fucked up w the plot and also with the hogsmeade chapters yet this is my most popular fic i'm ashamed
- smooth jungkook smooth: this ain't yoonseul but this is also just pure crack same reason for easy peasy lemon squeezy
i'd say none bc i'm a self-hating writer but
- mischief (un)managed: the khk club
this is smth i wrote with my friend two years ago it was a large ass hogwarts au with practically all the kpop groups in it and i still think this is one of the best fics i've ever written LOL tbh it was my friend luna who did most of the magic?? still i think it's a lot better than the shit i write now but it's been relatively unnoticed oof

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what are your biggest fanfic pet peeves? and what is your favorite thing to see in fanfics?

biggest peeve: koreaboo language, annoying characters that are either self-entitled(unless they change) or can't do anything for themselves, too many plot holes, a lot more but this is all i can think of right now
favorite thing: kind of obvious, but interesting, relatable characters. no one likes a mary sue. i usually don't like the "perfect at everything but one thing" either bc i'm pretty sure everyone has more than one thing they suck at lmao
i kinda think the characters are what make or break a story because no matter how good the storyline is if the characters don't stand out then i'm not interested. alternatively, even if the plot is mundane or kinda cliche, but the characters are interesting - i'll definitely read!!
i also like a writing style that's suited to the genre of the fic, like you need a light tone for humor, a descriptive style for fantasy and sci-fi, action, etc. makes me more immersed.

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imma a huge fan of your fics :D esp your yoonseul ones ^^ do you have any good yoonseul recs? :D

I'M SCREAMING I JUST sAW THIS i'm sorry wow 4 months ago
there actually aren't that many yoonseul fics sadly but hmm
- mutually beneficial by underground muses
- black coffee by monchou-seul
- formulaic by tourmaline

Language: English