

Why dont u find urself a rich bf? u don't have to worry about ur money problem if ur bf is rich

Then, don't you think that; by getting myself a rich boyfriend, it is only to use his money instead of sharing the same feelings toward each other and all that stupid fucking cheesy shit?

Latest answers from エンゼルリン

i really love your looks! i hope you don't mind me asking where you got 2015/06/very-really-hella.html#comment-form or what brand it was knocking off ;v; dream shoes!!

You can certainly find them on taobao.
I got mine from this; http://world.taobao.com/item/44507038028.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a230r.1.0.0.hyv5O9&ns=1#detail
but it's out of stock it seems. I couldn't find a different source with a see-through pair but hope this helps

Oh goth, your have a birthday?! I wish you everything good in your life. ? ? ? ? ? ? your are such a beautiful person, your blog is awesome, ily. <3

That's sweet of you! Thank you ^^ ♥

Happy birthday! <3

Woahhh how did you know! Who are you?? :o I'm surprised! Not even my close friends remembered (except 2 of them). Wait, or did Askfm remind you? Haha. Thanks for the wish btw! ^^

but why doesn't your boyfriend have the same style as you?

Does he really have to have the same style as me? Is that how people should choose who to love?

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