

Ask @c0rrnholio

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Lovely hair lovely face lovely blog lovely you. Ad corny as this may sound it is all true -acid

You're one of the most fabulous person alive (': thank you! I feel loved x3

So you know Japanese?

Not really |: I only know a few of the hiragana and katakana. Kanji can kiss my ass; I fucking hate kanji.

u can talk with them? like, communicate well. is'nt it hard?

Yeah, why not? 0: the first few days were a little bit of a struggle but everything will blend in as time passes. Miscommunication often happen in workplaces, so it's natural if we; coworkers don't communicate well with each other lol. After making a few mistakes, we will eventually learn how to communicate better and make the workplace a better place to be in. But seriously tho, my coworkers are the friendliest people ever, they're wild and hilarious, I honestly enjoyed having parties with them lol.

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what do u think about your coworkers? are you still doing as a bartender? i;m curious how is it like

I've stopped working there since March haha my (ex)coworkers, if I do say so myself, are one of the warmest people I have ever known. I love them and I miss them dearly I:

ur bf let u shisha ?

Technically, he doesn't encourage it. But he's pretty open with it tho. I think LOL. He just, doesn't want me to shisha too often. And I do try to avoid shisha-ing so much.. so, yeh.

I am doing ok but not so great cause when I get bored I only get to read your old post but it's ok still very entertaining. I will email you soon <3 -acid

Aw I: I'm so sorry for not updating so much. I'll try to at least make quick posts ayte :3

so happy to see your life going well and everything, just thought you'd know -acid

Aw, you're really kind (': we haven't been emailing each other for quite some time now >___< how are you tho?

how many times u shisha a week?

It depends on
1) The amount of money I have
2) The "invitation" I receive LOL
3) Whether if I am hyped to shisha or not lol
I think, 5 times being the most and 2 times being the least in a week..?

Is shisha more additive? :/

Not at all. Unlike cigs, shisha doesn't have nicotine, which therefore, doesn't cause any addiction. However, according to health experts, shisha is way more damaging than cigarettes lol.

Is shisha similar to smoking? How does it feel like?

Unlike cigarettes, you have to suck in real hard just so you can exhale a decent thick amount of smoke lol. It's honestly better than smoking cigarettes cause ciggs usually give out that dry feeling especially when you exhale through your nose (even if you're smoking menthol) however, when you shisha, you can taste its' sweetness or whatever the flavor you're having but it's nice. I get kinda high after inhaling it, like, 3 times lol.

cheer up ! :) >:) um. Queensbay Toys R Us are selling plastic zip bracelets. they come in one/mix colors :D maybe you might like them

zomg seriouz? I'll def make time to go there!

do you still keep bunny rabbits? :) i remember they look really cute in your blog photo. :3 :) kuro?

Sadly, my mum sent my babies back to the rabbit farm cause no one at home had the time to watch over them, especially since I started college ): sigh, now that you've mentioned Kuro.. I really miss him and his mates ):

you look like a bunny with your new hair =3

Homaigowd I consider this the best compliment! zomg I ARE BUNNEH??

can i kepo n ask who u boyfie is?

His name is THONG KEE REN but some times I like to call him KEEREN SHAMAL :3 ohai

I love your backpacks and DIYs haha you should make more types and more styles (I don't rly have the same taste as you haha but i love your cute backpacks!) pls pls create an online store for it!! c:

I've thought about this before, tbh (: however I need A LOT of time to invest on this little project if I do attempt to make it happen lol.

if your recent bf treat you like shit.. what would you do?

Step 1: Tell him off
Step 2: If he doesn't listen, jump to step 3
Step 3: Leave him
But I know my boyfriend won't do that to me =w=

If you have friends coming over, what would you cook?

I'll make them sushi and add rat poison in it, with love.

If you could give a piece of advice to a large group of people, what would that advice be? :)

This is a little off. Advice on what? A large group of what kind of people? And why? lol.


Language: English