

Ask @c8599642

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To the love of my life who's been messaging me, I think about you every day. I don’t quite know your name or face, but when I see you, I will know it's you. You don't know how much it hurts not waking up with you next to me. I haven’t forgotten the promise we made

jamaljennings9’s Profile PhotoJamal E Jennings
Locked in 🤞

Do you put on tv shows as background and not pay much attention?

I don't ever put TV shows on to not watch or pay attention to it. But yes I notice when I don't have interest in watching TV or when my attention span is short when watching.

What do you hope to find in your partner?

Good sex, support, unconditional love of course, has to be attractive, well dressed and cleans up nicely.

How can someone do things, lie, cheat, play mind games, and never feel bad? I feel terrible anytime I’ve done any of those things after words

I don't do that at all.
Liked by: Dwrizzle666

If you were given the chance to be a celebrity for a day who would you be?

I am literally already a celebrity kind of. My name is Ciara. Do you know Ciara the singer? But I am not Ciara the singer. We have the same name but she is older than me.

Hey there! Could you please share the last dream you had?

AhmedZaiyd’s Profile Photo
The last dream I had was about having sex with one of my crushes. 🥰
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