
Courtney Gotskind

Latest answers from Courtney Gotskind

whose your best friend on force, and frost, fame, flawless?

force- Val, abbi, Kaitlin, casey, dru, adrienne, Morgan, lauren, Allayna, carlie -- but I love everyone bc we are a fam but these are my closest friends on the team
frost- I don't really have a best friend on the team
fame- Payton, Abby, Caroline, lily, and lauren
flawless- grace, Morgan, Hannah, Ellie, Amy, and liv

Why did they leave?

if you read my past answers they you would know that I'm not telling bc idk if it's true

Why did isabel and Avery leave kc cheer

idk if I have the right to say that and idk even know if it's true or not

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