

Ask @Charlielipsie

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How big of a part does Dan play within the team?

He drives them around and fix their computers or whatever else they need.

Who do you think will win Tsm Vs Cloud 9 and why? Thank you for the answer!

Cloud9. It can always go the other way but I see C9 as the stronger team.

Do you take any part in the c9 website cloud9.gg? Would Jack or the people who are running the website help you start your own blogs in there?

I don't at the moment. I have the option to though. If I make blogs or vlogs it will be posted on cloud9.gg

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3 hours of shit talking riot

How is that a great show? Sounds like a waste of time to me. I wouldn't be getting anything out of it.

Where did you come from, I mean, the scene never heard of you and now here you are. Could you give us a sort of background story? o;

Articles for cloth5.com > challenger teams > EG relegations > C9 Eclipse > C9

Do you watch SoloQ demos of players your team is up against? or just 5v5 Vods?

Solo Q is so irrelevant it would be a waste of time. Only thing you get out of it is what champions that they are playing

Can you tell us about yourself, Who are you & what do you do.

I'm batman. On a more serious note. I'll make a vlog on that after playoffs

Do you often talk to MonteCristo about League analysis / Korean meta and what you can take away from them?

We have talked a couple times. I don't really talk to other people that much about meta or analysis. I just figure things out on my own.

This may have already been asked; however, I would like to know: How does one become an analyst for League of Legends? I've listened to your radio interview, but it doesn't exactly say how you got started how did you find an armature team to start helping?

I did articles for cloth5.com. My articles used to get like 30-40k views. People contacted me.

How do you feel about the Nocturne pick by Meteos and do you think Feral Flare will influence the pick rate of those type of junglers in competitive play?

Good teams will punish the teams that go feral flare
Liked by: Nate Weeks


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