

Ask @chen_victoria

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Which country will win the FIFA World Cup in Brazil?

um yeah china. or usa. fosho.
but actually, spain or germany maybe? or argentina... maybe netherlands. idk man i cant football.
SO. theres netherlands and spain at 3am today but im already tired but i really want to watch danggit :/

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tbh we used to be pretty close you're such a fast runner now which makes me sad for me hope sas is treating you well!

duncanatorr’s Profile PhotoDuncan W.
aww thank you. keep running!! then we can always catch up at meets and stuff hehee. seeing you at taylor swift was pretty cool!

heyyy tbh we were like really close in 8th grade. American Samoa :) lol yeah but then you transferred to SAS which sucked and we barely see each other anymore but it is always fun catching you up on the concordia drama haha :D love yooouuuuuu <333

Jess Theriault
ahhh jess ily!! im so glad you arent leaving. hahaa yeah that was fantastic. we definitely looked like idiots crying from laughing in the hallway. (come to sas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) missyouu. :(
Liked by: Jess Theriault

Who are you going to miss?

holy cow this question makes me sad. lots of people.
starting with seniors. liza ivory joy!! these 3 girls have been a part of some really special memories that i'll never forget and i'll miss my distance girls! have a great time in college!! we'll try to make you guys proud! also wrzesinski! amazing coach and i'm going to miss him so much. also max! the freshmen five will be freshmen four :( okay i realized this is totally not a paragraph about seniors. my structure/organization sucks.
and audrey! im going to miss this girl so much. can literally talk to her about anything and one of my bestest friends. so happy i got to become close to her but also damn why are you leaving ;( dont leave me you loser.
okay this is getting longer than i thought but jing en, tommio, dustin, sam, talia, ana, angela, grace, jaret, royce, troy and more but okay tons of people that are really cool and i wish i got to know better are leaving. this is getting too long so to people that arent on this list im lazy and i have a final tomorrow and i should stop procrasintinating. i still love you guys and im going to miss you too and i wish you best of luck and lots of fun wherever you are going!!
and because this is sad here's a super adorable gif of a sea turtle aka one of the cutest animals ever.

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Liked by: J Michael Shen

when and where are you going for sat prep?

ugh eww sat prep. kill me now.
but im going to elite or whatever its called in jinqiao (yay at least good location)
first 2 weeks after school ends i think?? then going to murica.
so if you're going then hmu !! i know lots of sas people are going. also if you live in the area and are gonna be in shanghai then lets hang out after class !!

colleges you want to go to?

hmm well there's a few i would be very happy about.
none of which i would get into :(
college ugh what.
on the other hand
Liked by: J Kia Hutchins

Do you always smile for pictures?

naw man im not as pro as liza :( [liza! teach me your ways<3]
especially when im running i just look like im dying.

Rock climbing or windsurfing?

both are fun but im going to have to go ROCK CLIMBING. best thing ever.

what's your favorite food?

i dont have one favorite food because i love food too much. sushi, pasta (mmm especially lasagna yum), fruit (except not bananas because eww), texmex, dimsum. okay i should stop now.

What is your favorite type of pie?

just kidding. most pie is great! pumpkin pie and apple pie are especially fab though. and lemony pie. :)

Should schools offer cash bonuses for good test scores?

our school really enjoys giving out CASH. :|
did you know the other day a teacher was telling us during a lunchtime club that kids dont take cash seriously and we're like is it maybe because it's called cash???!??!??

oh freshman year english, wherefore art thou #bringbackedmundspls

yes yes yes! knitting with mikas.
good times good times
romeo and juliet acting and swordfighting
i miss that class :(
Liked by: Traci

How do you cheer up a friend when they're feeling down?

just talk to them! more importantly though listen to what they have to say.
go for a run with them if they're about that life. a good run can make you feel much better.
food is always nice. chocolate does wonders :)
but yeah everyones different and sometimes its just most important to let them know that you're there for them if they need c:

post a pic of your schedule?

umm idk why i cant see the pic on powerschool anymore but
a day: ap econ, flex, ap lang, ib chinese langlit
b day: ap calc bc, tok, ap chem, flex
#doubleflexlife wheee
if you're in classes with me tell me :)

how was prom?

it was pretty cool. unfortunately the weather was kinda gross but everyone looked really nice and i hope people had fun :)

Who knows the most about you?

umm. probably my mom? i guess she's known me my whole life so that would make sense.
isnt it weird that you've known your parents your whole life but they've only known you for part of theirs??


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