
Carmen Brillianwati

Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a lot of freedom? (For example, come home when you like)

It all comes down to the teenagers themselves.
Some understand what's right and what's not, some have difficulty separating both, some have a hard time controlling themselves, some just want to fit in, some are just too oblivious/in denial, and blablabla.
Basically, it depends.
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Latest answers from Carmen Brillianwati

Jika bilang cinta, apa yg kamu pikirkan??

I feel like I define love differently than most people. The common idea of love, to me, is simply selfish and toxic. It is funnily overrated and underrated at the same time. My ideal idea of love, I guess, would be to exclude any types of attachment.

What was the last book you read?

Murder On The Orient Express. Rushed it so I could watch the movie. Ended up not watching it because people say it's disappointing.

Do you believe in Karma?

The concept of karma is reassuring, and I would like to believe that karma exists, but I guess we'll never know if it really does.

How to know if you are a good person?

Don't you think there's a faulty with the notion that "if you are truly good, you won't say that you are good"? I mean, if I honestly think I am a good person, then I must have behaved in accordance with what I believe constitutes a good person. Sure, what I believe to be good may be up for debate, but otherwise, I am in compliance with my own standards, so I am, in fact, personally, a good person?

If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

Being a thereminist seems like a truly magical experience.

What is art to you?

Life is art. Whatever is made into art comes from life and the consciousness about it. So everything can be art?

Language: English