

Ask @cicada777

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What was the funniest moment in your life?

when I heard Obama won the 2008 election.
and then someone told me it wasn't because he was black. it totally was.
Liked by: Hope Beth

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What are you obsessed with?

I'm so obsessed with how awesome I am yet at the same time I know I'm a total loser. but then I think that people only hate me cos they ain't me. its a never ending cycle of how awesome I am and how awesome I like to think I am. it hurts man. it really hurts.

What's your favorite party game?

not going to parties? yeah I'm a frickin legend when it comes to that game

Oh my goodness YOUR ANSWERS ARE FUNNY TOO. You and Adam are literally my entertainment.

lol wat. lol thanks I suppose. glad me and ricepatty could humor you

Do you think you're funny?

sometimes. like people will laugh on occasion while talking to me and that could be because I look funny or because I am. maybe both idk.

What would be the perfect gift for you?

cash. so much that I could wipe my butt with my cash and not feel like I'm wasting it.
or just like... idk how to word this.
hold on...
ok since I can't figure out how to word that...
oh or the ability to know fully and truly what a certain friend truly thinks about me. or all my friends really. yeah all. but mostly one. but yeah any/all of those three. even though you don't know the second since I can't word it correctly.

Do you consider yourself intelligent?

I'd like to say I am regardless of what my effort or lack thereof shows.
(I tend to not put forth much effort in school)
Liked by: Beth

i like your witty answers. you just made 10 minutes of my life better. thank you.

whoever you are. you're welcome. and if you're joking, I moat likely wasn't trying to please you anyway

Are you scared of the dark?

provided there are no murders rapists or priests, no.
wait or demons
or people like Josh Pyle
or spiders.... *shudders* spiders...


Language: English