

Ask @cicada777

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If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

iridescent rainbow

What position do you sleep in?

this sounds like a sex related question at first. but then it switches to sleeping. idk the one with a bed, and a pillow, sometimes a sheet of some sort/a blanket. usually I'm on said bed. idk.

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Would you marry a robot?

technically because the way the brain works a robot could be programmed to have a very human brain and also love. so it is possible to fall in love with a robot and one with you yet ive never witnessed it so I can't know for sure and I still think it'd be weird

What is your favorite online shopping site?

thinkgeek.com thisiswhyimbroke.com shutupandtakemymoney.com amazon. com (duh)

What's one thing you refuse to pay for?

things I can otherwise obtain legally for free. meaning music since provided you aren't dumb you can legally download it for free.

Where do you feel most safe?

nowhere because safety is a lie unless You're under your blankets then not even nuclear weapons can harm you that's a safe zone man

What invention has had the greatest impact on society?

condoms and birth control pills.
they started the spread of STDs

Do you like being alone?

only when people make me mad enough to slowly plot their murder, don't worry cops I never actually kill people just think hypothetically

What makes you feel like a boss?

when I pay someone to do something for me. (said person(s) referring to me as boss helps too)

Who would you like to be?

can I be me but also be one of those people who just eat endless food without gaining weight like please?

Do superheros exist?

nope nope nope not inserting my English paper here not putting the 3 page rant nope nope nope not doing it. anyway the answer is no.

What will you never do?

the homeworks that are assigned now but due in a week. those, on the day that they are assigned.


Language: English