

Ask @cicada777

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Would legalizing marijuana be a good thing or bad thing?

it'd be a good thing because it does no serious harm. unlike cigarette (which have harmed even killed some of my family members) which can give cancer, cause kidney and lung failure, cause heart problems, give heart attacks, and many other bad things. weed just calms you down, makes you more artistic, etc. also if it was legalized the cartels would lose lots of power and they would no longer be quite as threatening. if cigarettes and alcohol are legal marijuana should be too. I don't smoke it. I think it should be legal because the fact that it's illegal causes more problems than the drug itself. I could go on longer and having someone provide rebuttals would elongate this rant even further but whatever.

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(Adam Rice basically said my answer as well btw) this picture sums it up

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yes. many devils and j believe "the devil" as we refer to him is the leader of them. they cause bad things in peoples lives and I dislike it.


Language: English