

Ask @claarrreeee

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kalo lagi suka sama orang tapi gak berani pdkt clars ?

Lo cowo apa cewe? Gw pribadi sih kalo suka sm cowo biasanya itu cowo nunjukin suka duluan ke gw baru gw suka sm dia. Gapernah suka duluan sm cowo sih lagian kalau pun gw yg suka duluan sekedar suka doang ga berkelanjutan. Ya lagian gw kan cewe, masa yg agresif kitaaa jd ya kalo itu cowo ga pdkt-in kita duluan, mending pendem aja udaah drpd dibilang agresif trus taunya itu cowo gasuka jg sm kita kan rugi 2x malunya ahaha jodoh ga kemana syngg santai ajaa❤

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fi gue

poppyvanniaaarr’s Profile PhotoPoppy Vania Rahmasari
Pertama liat lo waktu selesai TM di uki naik bis 51 gw duduk depan sm mam neni dan lo nyanyi teroooz tiada henti gw cuma bisa senyum2 dari depan gabisa gabung. Terus besok2nya malah bareng terus kita ya ;) satu ruangan story telling nya, ngapalin teks bareng bang din jugaa dilantai uki butuh pencerahan eh gadapet2 pencerahan, ngegoblok malu2in lupa teks juga sehati hahaha malah flashback-_-
Lo friendly lah yaaa hacep laaah ! <3

thoughts on self-harm. have you ever done it?

Nope i dont get it and would never. But I wish they would stop, I get it can be difficult for some people but I really wish they stopped. I would honestly have a talk with any of you that have done it and I would try my best to stop you, more like convince you to stop.
It's at terrible habit some people have but it's not worth it. And I don't want to tell you to simply stop as if it was that easy because I'm pretty sure it's not. I think you really just need your bestest friend to be there for you to talk with you about these issues or someone that has the decency to care.
It seriously sucks because many young girls and boys pass away because of self harm and it's such a terrible thing. :(

Alright, if love exists is there any proof of it? Love is not matter, not made up of any atoms or antiatoms, it does not define the absence of the former as well. Lust and obsession exist, the first being a sin, and the second a mental condition. Love is a foolish teenage phase. Good luck on exams x

Love is the connection you have between two individuals. Love is something you create and it becomes something so beautiful and so rare because everyone has that different kind of love.
Love is not a phase... It's something indescribable. And it's something everyone seems to look for at some point. Because the feeling of being loved and loving someone is simply amazing. I mean that was your opinion and this is mine. :)


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