
IG: @clairineclay

Ask @clairineclay

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ci, gimana sih ngadepin haters? ada yg suka nge ask gitu ci ke aku, dan ngeask nya berkali" kalo misalnya aku ga bales dy makin menuh"in kotak question aku ci.. tapi kalo aku bales malah aku sama aja kayak dia dong ci gada bedanya.. serba salah nih ci menurut cici gimana? aku harus apa?

Diemin aja ngapain jg kamu ladenin hahahaha

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Hey, i dont think you know me and i dont know you either. But let me tell you that you are really beautiful. You got that smile that i cant resist and your eyes made me paralyze. You are gorgeous with that nice beautiful hair.Have a good day toronto girl! Btw i live in toronto(: xoxo

Hello from indonesia! Thankyou so much yaaa :) salam buat akang2 toronto


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