

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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If a yoyo cannot be anodised white, how was the peak partially white? Also how does the CRYO colourway have a white base also?

The Peak was actually painted, not anodized. And the CRYO colorway is a silver body with a red, orange, and yellow splash.
Clear anodizing can sometimes *look* white depending on how the photo is lit but I assure you, there is not currently any way to anodize the color white. -Steve

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So why you don't made 5000?

Because we can't afford it. We don't have the money to order 5000 of a single model, pay for them, pay for shipping from China, wait 2 - 4 months for them to arrive, hand test them all, possibly have to scrap half of them due to quality issues, and then sell what we can for $25-$30 each to retailers and hope we sell enough to pay for the run, the shipping, and the many months of work to get them here.
We are working on some lower cost options, but we will probably never be the kind of company that makes $50 metal return tops. That's just not what kind of company we are, and that's not the kind of size we want to be. By staying small, like we are now, we can make a really high quality product in small numbers. We can take risks with designs and with packaging, we can support team members that are amazing, and we can do all of this without risking enormous amounts of money that we just don't have.
It's just not who we are. Sorry. -Steve

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I can't understand why your yoyos cost so much. I love your yoyos but they cost too much for me, i think that the Shutter is very good and I don't understand why it costs 60$ dollars than your yoyos? Ye i know that yoyofactory is a rally big company but i think that a difference of 60$ is too much

When you make a metal return top but you only make 200 of them, it's really, really expensive.
When you make a metal return top but you make 5,000 of them, it's a lot less expensive. -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela

If i love the bonfire and AC2 will I love the orca or advanced scout more?

Those are completely different. Like, completely. If you like the Bonfire, the Scout will definitely appeal to you. I think the Orca is going to be a huge runaway hit and everyone is going to like it. It's amazeballs. -Steve

If I love the chief, scout,ac2 and bonfire, but didn't really like the wm2 or puffin 2, would I like the orca?

Yeah, I think you're going to dig the Orca. -Steve

What do you think is the best yoyo under 50$? Also not clyw

For $50 and under, I *personally* like the Shutter, Protostar, Too HOT, Level 6, Accelerator, and Teleport. But honestly, MOST of what you can find in the $50 metal range these days is pretty good. It's a great time to be a return top player! -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela

Im getting a BVM2 not fools gold from a guy who goes to my club. grey bip bop with box not mint $120 im happy great yoyos! just wanted to say that.

Nice! Thanks for the support. I love that return top. -Steve

Can you anodize white color? and if not why?

Nope. Because you cannot anodize white. There are a few good articles online that explain why, a quick Google search should turn them up for you. -Steve

What are the chances of getting a new big yoyo like 59mm by 47mm is?

No plans for anything that big. -Steve

which of your more "recent" (Yoyo's that have been produced and sold in the past year) clyw's spin the longest? Top 5 (don't have to be in order, and a guess would be fine? THX :D

Sasquatch and Gnarwhal 2 hold spin longer than anything else in our line. After that, everything else is pretty close together IMO. -Steve
Liked by: Nathaniel Varela

clareview station didn't/doesn't seem to sell quickly on the AC2. I was wondering if this was the case for other clyw runs.

Nope. It's actually one of our most popular and iconic colorways. What colors sell faster is kinda random sometimes. -Steve

What shape yoyo is a AC2 considered (ie. O-shaped, W-shaped, V-Shaped)? What about the summit?

No idea. We designed it to be what Zach was looking for, and didn't worry about what to name the shape. It's Arctic Circle 2 shaped! ;) -Steve


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