

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Thoughts on Daniel Flaherty

Sometimes you can tell when a yoyoer is just good and I think he may be this. Need to see him yoyo more or how his tricks have developed. :p

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Do you play first person shooters? If so what do you play

nah not seriously. when I played cod way back when I was really good at that. Always been interested by team fortress 2. new star wars battlefront looks sick.

Thoughts on keiran cooper

good footwork. if cleaner would place higher. his tricks are nice but I think he could do better still ;))

so Zach, when will you release a new video on your comedy channel from back in the day? ^ ^ haha. much love!

lmao who is this? Meersman? lol

Top 5 players that influence you?

If we are talking strictly 1a players I think these players are my favorites:
Yuuki Spencer
Charles Haycock
John Ando
Takeshi Matsuura
Shinnosuke Miyamoto/Yuusuke Ootsuka
My favorites from other styles are Shinji Saito and Rei Iwakura

I was wondering, I know you guys have a lot of rejects while building yoyos but is there any way CLYW or you personally would ever do any give aways on Yo-Yos or is it strictly dropping 130$+...

I can't speak for CLYW but I've thought about starting a twitch stream and doing giveaways for people who subscribe.

Zach, you belong to an insanely good team of yoyoers, but you are also competing against them on stage. Do you ever feel conflicted? Also who do you consider to be your rival(s) in CLYW? Not in CLYW?

I don't think I have any rivals in CLYW or in yoyo for that matter. We are all good friends. Spectators may try and create some sort of rivalry between players in their head because it can be exciting. Sometimes Gentry and I are looked at in this light but really we are good friends. :)

Can you describe the playstyle of Borealis? And estimate of release date?

I think it feels more solid/powerful than other clyw yoyos but still easy to maneuver. And probably in a month?

I can come up with new (and cool) elements pretty frequently but I have trouble arranging them into combos. Any tips?

When I was younger there was this time I wrote down all my tricks, their starting mounts, and ending mounts and would mix and match them lol you can try this maybe.

Where you on a different team before clyw and what is your favorite sig

No but I had an offer from big brother yoyos before I was on clyw and after I was on clyw yoyorec was interested.

Thoughts on the Bonfire? Also do you think yoyoers focus too much on their equipment? I mean seriously the Draupnir is so hyped

I like the bonfire a lot I need to play it more to say much more. I think yoyoers should focus on whatever they want. If they are collectors and like the hype revolving around yoyos than good for them. I used to get really stoked on new yoyos and such but now just more a player.

Sandpaper for toilet paper or vinegar for eye drops?

yikes vinegar for eye drops if no harmful effects on vision and only pain...

Zach, what other non-1A styles do you play? And will be you competing in them in the future?

I am alright at 4a and have been wanting to learn 3a and 2a but I probably won't compete in them.

Hey Zach, just wanted to let you know you're one of my biggest inspirations in yoyoing. You're one of the players who got me into enjoying big slack tricks, which greatly influences my style to this day. Keep up with the insanely creative tricks.

Glad I could inspire you man :) Keep yoyoing!


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