

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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No I know that it's next year(wrt your 10th anniversary...but date? As in the day the company was registered???

It's not like a wedding anniversary, ha ha. When do you decide that for a business? The day Chris had the idea? The day the first product was sold? The day he finally got around to actually filing paperwork? The day he announced it? It's not like there's "a day" when CLYW started. Sorry, it's a messy answer, I know ha ha. We're planning neat stuff for the full year, and some big things for Worlds. -Steve

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do you know any Korean player who can be the clyw member???

We don't add people to the team based on geography! We add people to the team because they are family. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

What makes your yoyos feel drastically different from one drop? If its all made in the same place... Idk i know its the design and the way the weight is distributed but they just feel completely different. I bet it is just the way its designed but i thought id ask anyway.

Machining has little to nothing to do with the way a return top feels or plays. Good machining means it plays exactly as intended, bad machining means it doesn't play as intended, but where and who does the machining has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of your actual design.
It's all about the design and weight distribution. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

Why arent you interested in the Vanguard? Is it because its sort of a symbol against outsourcing to China?

No, it's because based on the shape and the specs I don't think I would like it very much. Just not really my jam. If I want to throw something from One Drop, I'll stick with my Markmont Classic. -Steve

Any plans to upload the next Cabin Tutorial soon? Also, can you say whether or not there will be a Black Bip Bop Borealis on the 15th?

Yep, we'll have another Cabin Tutorial up this week, probably Thursday.
No BBB Borealis this time. BBBB? Ha ha -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

I remember Iwasawa having a one off "raw splash" peak back in AP10, where it was black with splash marks that were unanodized. With your production knowledge, how would something like that be made? And would you consider making something that wacky in the future? I think it's a really cool concept!

No idea how anodizers do that stuff. Thats one aspect of the production chain that I've never had any hands-on experience with. I do know that anodizers are the bane of our existence, and have been responsible for ruining more of our return tops than every machine shop we've ever worked with, combined. -Steve

i an wondreing if theres som eway to get grindings 2b better? my hanbds are too stikey so is the liek handcreme smootheness ??

Wear gloves, or use that spray deodorant stuff that a lot of competitors use. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

Just managed to snag the last Shark Vs. Zombie Beaver Avalanche from the CLYW Shop. I dunno how there was one left, but I'm friggin' stoked!

Here's the secret of the CLYW Shop. We will often, very quietly, pull 3 - 5 pieces from each run and put them in there without telling anyone. It's like our quiet little gift to our more observant fans. ;) -Steve

Glad to hear that you guys inspect everything instead of by random! When will the splash borealis be out? Is there a photo to tease us a little?

Dec. 15th. -Steve
Liked by: James Liptak

Hi CLYW, how come there are FG but there are still some with ano flaws still be able to send retailers or sold on your website? Are these miss out during inspection?

We inspect everything carefully before it ships out, but since our return tops are assembled by human beings and not robots with super magic laser vision eyeball scanners, sometimes things are going to slip through. We do our absolute best to avoid it, but since we are not perfect sometimes mistakes will be made. We and our retailers always do our best to take care of these rare situations immediately, and I think you'll find that our customer service is relatively awesome.
If you do manage to get a return top with a minor ano flaw that was not sold as a Fool's Gold, please contact the retailer you bought it from immediately, and they'll take care of you! -Steve
Liked by: Bryan Ngu

With the Big Dipper being done assembled, and in the process of pad printing, do you think that the Big Dipper will release before New Years?

We still have to get them shipped to us from China, and packaged. I wouldn't count on it. -Steve
Liked by: Robin Stricklin

so i notice that most clyw releases are kinda limited. im wondering if the big dipper is going to be this way too? i was thinking/hoping that mass producing in china might mean more yo-yos to go around?

That's EXACTLY what it means. There will be plenty of Big Dippers for everyone. :) -Steve


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