

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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I absolutely love the idea of CLYW ano socks. A poll could be set up to gauge interest in them. I'd definitely love some, that'd be awesome.

Polls are great for gauging interest, but interest rarely ever translates out to sales. One thing I've noticed during my time in the industry is that everyone loves having opinions on things, but people rarely back up those opinions with actual money. For every 20 opinions you'll get one sale. You know what the #1 most requested color for offstring return tops is? White. You know what the worst selling color for offstring return tops is? White.
I would love to do CLYW ano pattern socks. Just have to find a place that can do them in small enough quantities that if everyone flakes out and they don't sell, we aren't out *too* much money. Basically....how few can we get away with making and still have the quality look awesome. I'll dig in to it a bit and see if we can pull it off! -Steve
Liked by: DA

Is the new "Rainbow Trout" flavored Scout is the "New Version" that Petr was just talking about or the OG version?

Same Scout. The 2016 Scout is still in prototyping, but we should have approval samples soon. -Steve
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

Any plans for another painted return top?

Chris and I have talked about some stuff, but nothing really planned. -Steve

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Hello Peter , is 17 years old is too old to start yoyoing ?

No at all! I think its good to start once you ready to really understand it. I started when I was 15years old...
I think its never too late! My friend started in like 24...
Liked by: Bhargav Sharma DA

hey petr, any chance for another practice video? your 2013 one is one of my favourite yoyo videos

Will ask my friend to lend me a gopro right now and I will try to do one soon. Maybe with the big dipper and new scout? Will do!
Thanks for suggestion!
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

Hello Petr , are the yoyos is very expensive for Pargue people ?

It depends on the yoyo. If you mean like scout thats pretty expensive yes. But you pay for great design,top notch quality and uniquess...
I think its worth it but for younger kids it might be really hard to get one...

Which of the new lineup has more stability than the Bonfire (holds plane / feels powerful and generally spins longer / room for errors friendly) and is able to handle speeding up a little bit?

Blizzard. -Steve

Where is the Big Dipper, I'm dying over here, need to buy two!!!! [URL=http://s20.photobucket.com/user/madsedan/media/shut-up-and-take-my-money-9299-2560x1600_zpsbfinul9b.jpg.html][IMG]http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b241/madsedan/shut-up-and-take-my-money-9299-2560x1600_zpsbfinul9b.jpg[/IMG][/URL

robert mosley
Coming soon! -Steve

Need more Blizzard pics up on the site and need some Igloo details also.

More Blizzard pics coming when we actually have Blizzards to take pics of.
Also, we'll post Igloo details when we actually have details to post. -Steve

plans of revamping the nest?

Sorry this is clyw ask and nest was my small project looong time ago. Right now Iam not really involved anymore and Nest is project of Slusny.
I moved away from that because I want to focus only on clyw and this was kind a confusing for people.

That one trick that Slusny had on their website, Candy Slack, is awesome. Thanks for making it! (Well I hope it was you, I don't know any other players named Petr.)

It was me! Thanks man! I plan to do more tutorials in future ;)
Liked by: Standa Kursa

Petr!!!! Just wanted to say, the scout is literally my favorite throw off all time, and I've owned A LOT of yoyos. Seriously, its everything I wanted the chief AND the bonfire to be. keep killing it! love your style too! :D

Thanks man! I also loving the scout!
Btw we working on a new version that looks really fresh and amazing. Cant wait to try it and probably use is at eyyc! More info sooner or later!
Liked by: Shintaro Noda

Fav pair of sneakers?

The one I own? I guess triple black huaraches.
From all? Pirate black yeezy,triple black qasa racers and qasa high.

Petr, I love your style and I think you're one of the most innovative and amazing players. I really want to visit Prague sometime, and when I do, I'll stop by the Slusny shop and say hi! Currently working on learning that one-handed gyroscopic trick just from your vids! Keep up the good work!

Thanks man! Means a lot!
Hit me up when you in prague and I will show you around.

Petr, r u exited for the Big Dipper? And do happen to have an idea when it will be released?

I think it will released as soon as possible!
Iam really excited! My package is at customs right now :D

what's your favourite yoyoers peter ?

I just answered such a question like two questins ago. Can you check it out please? Thanks!

petr who are your favourite players?

I have too many favorites but for example Shinji Saito,Takeshi Matsura,Zach Gormley...
There is too many and I dont want to left anyone...

Who are you most excited to see perform at EYYC?

Iam really excited for everyone! I belive it will be amazing contest.

Hi Petr! How do you feel when other players ask if they could get an autograph from you? Is it annoying or does it make you happy when players or other people in general admire you?

It makes me really happy. Never annoyed me all!

I've been throwing my Cliff a lot lately and I love it. Do you still use it sometimes? What were the thoughts that went into the design of the Cliff? How did you came up with the crazy looking design/shape and what were the reasons for it to be this "extreme"?

I always loved oversized yoyos and I wanted something special.
So we took glacier express and we made it much bigger and much more agile and we kind a used AC2 hub design.
I still used it sometimes but I tend to play with scout muuuuch more.
Thanks for loving it!
Liked by: DA


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