

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Andrew...after how much time of yoyoing did you create the tricks that you use today in competition? I just feel like i haven't progressed at a good rate...i havent really been with an other yoyoers other than my brother and friend, which are both the same, so i dont know about anyone else progresse

It definitely took me awhile to come up with tricks that I constantly use in competition. It's a process, and it can be a very long one. Most of the tricks I do in my routines today have evolved from smaller concepts I have done in the past. I wouldn't worry. I'd say try and watch some videos for inspiration, or even try and make it out to a contest. You can learn so much from just one day at a contest and will most definitely leave the contest feeling inspired. -Andrew
Liked by: Isaac Reyes

For Andrew: Do you have any tips for creating and perfecting body (around the arm, neck, etc.) tricks?

I'd say just try whatever feels right. There is a lot to still be done with those kind of tricks. I sometimes try simple/standard movements or mounts but try and do them around my arm/neck and work from there. -Andrew

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how did you get sponsored?

I first got sponsored by Vs Newton back in December of 2010. This was shortly after I started yo-yoing, and the only reason I believe I got sponsored was because Michael Gleockner (gecko) really liked a video I posted. I was a huge fanboy of the company at the time. Really thankful for him, probably wouldn't be yo-yoing today if it wasn't for him. When Vs Newton fell apart back in the Fall of 2012, I was lucky enough to get into contact with Chris. We started talking about my goals in yo-yo and it all fell into place! - Andrew

Where are you going to college? Are there any throwers near where you plan to attend?

I'm going to be attending Wake Forest University in the fall. Looking forward to connecting with the South East scene. I think Ed Haponik and my man Jice are in the area!

Hey Andrew,I'm having a contest next week,and I wanna ask you which one is more important. Building up new concepts and tricks or practicing for the contest from one week away?Thanks!

BAC?? I would say practice your current tricks and routine for the contest. Throwing in new material for contests isn't always the greatest idea. I'm sure you will also create more tricks and have more ideas for tricks at/after the contest as well. Good luck! - Andrew
Liked by: Joni

I saw you at nationals 2015, but i was too scared to approach you because you were with all the other profffesional yoyoers like gentry and zach.:(

Dude :( No need to be scared! We're all just yo-yoers, friends, people. Should definitely come say hi next time or send me a message.

brandon vu mentioned your name in one of his recent videos!

No way, love Brandon! Which video?

Maider, how did you originally get into yoyoing?

I started yo-yoing in sixth grade. Our sixth grade science teacher yo-yos and he always had yo-yos we could use at the end of class. Was actually one of the last in my class to get into it. SO to Mr. Neudel! -Andrew

Hey, do you know how many dyed big dippers will be sold at BAC? Thanks!

I believe there will be around 50 dyed Big Dippers sold at BAC. - Andrew

When are the new blizzards coming out, and what color wayS?

The second run of Blizzards is currently in production! We actually just picked colors a few days ago. Don't want to leak any, but Maiderade may or may not return in a new form :) - Andrew

who pays for your travel to go around the world?

If it wasn't for CLYW, I wouldn't have the opportunity to travel the world and have all of these cool experiences. So much love for the Lodge <3 - Andrew

What's is it like to travel to different contests around the country?

It's one of my favorite things about yo-yoing. Before yo-yoing, I had only visited a couple states, and I remember being in complete awe when I took my first plane to a contest (Worlds 2011). It has been amazing traveling to different cities around the US, and getting to experience what each has to offer. It's even cooler to be able to travel to these places with some of the best dudes I know. - Andrew

Andreww! whats ur fav yoyos that are not clyw?

Anonymous! That's kind of a hard one, I think I have to go with the Vs Newton Ti Walker, YYF Shutter, and I have really been digging Becko's new diplomat.

I mean can you recommend alight responsive yoyo ?

Oh ... Maybe an old FHZ or lube your bearing. -Chris

Can you recommend a light yoyo ?

A good light CLYW would prob be the Igloo or Blizzard. They are our lightest. -Chris

Hey, I have seen the pic of cup in Manatee(it was on snapchat) and I don't know the shape, is it going to be more like H-shape (like in Borealis) or more V-shaped (like in Igloo)???

Filip Jagiełło
Kind of in-between the two. -Chris

So..if i love tech and i like something floaty,i guess i should pick up a borealis?and maybe in 2 months a manatee ?

Probably a good idea 👍

Your fav borealis colorway avalabile on YYE? excpet sold ones and Hulk . Thanks!

The Swirls! -Chris


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