

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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Hey, I've been yoyoing for a few months now and a dark ring is forming around my middle finger on my dominant hand. The skin there is also incredibly dry. I'm aware about calluses that are suppose to form but is this normal?

Yup, totally normal.
Liked by: James McPherson

Could you tell us the story of how and why the compass was made?

Petr was all "I really like the Scout but I think we can do better" and Chris was all "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED" and then they worked together on a few ideas back and forth for a while and came up with the Compass. Took three prototypes to get it just right, but it turned out pretty fantastic. -Steve

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Is it weird that the stuff I like to do is not necessarily what I like to watch in yoyo videos? This has led to me trying to learn tricks that I dont really like to do or match my style. Should I just hope that my style switches up into something I like to watch instead?

I'm the same way. I love watching a pretty wide variety of stuff, but most of it's outside of my own play style. I don't see that as a bad thing. -Steve
Liked by: ca9wolf

Any chance we could get a banana hammock video/edit highlighting the bi-metal version? 30 made in the first colorway, only 22 sold. I wanna see videos of the the other 8 and the people lucky enough to receive them.

Alec, Rojas and a few others have one! -Chris

What return top did Grey use when hitting himself in the head in that video?

Pretty sure it was an AC2. But will double check. -Chris

Im the guy who asked about the solid and hefty throw...I dont want a bimetal yet... should I still wait for your new stuff?

Wait for Rojas' new throw. But it's kind of magical. 68g but plays like it's 65g. I dunno how. -Chris
Liked by: ca9wolf

I am unreasonably excited about the 10th anniversary Peak as I have no clue as to what it plays like...can you describe its play?

I still haven't even started on the design yet. Hoping I can pull this off by the end of the year. -Chris

Been throwing my new Borealis for about a week now, by far the best return top I've picked up! Top Quality. Master class from CLYW 👍🏻

🙌🙌🙌 thank you!! -Chris
Liked by: Phil S ca9wolf

Im in love with my Manatee so much. Sometimes I find myself just throwing a trapeze and watching it spin on the string.

Donald Woody
❤️ thank you so much for the support! So happy to hear things like this! -Chris
Liked by: Donald Woody

Has anyone ever got a perfect 100 in a yoyo competition? And if not, is it even possible? What would a perfect routine consist of?

Caveat: It's been a few years since I've stayed current on the scoring system, and mostly I leave it to other people these days while I focus on things I'm better at. My answer may not be 100% accurate.
My understanding is that a perfect 100 score doesn't mean it was a perfect routine...it means that all judges scored that person in 1st Place without any major deductions. Since the scores are normalized on a scale of 100, it should be possible to have some negative technical clicks and still walk away with a score of 100. I would say that it's better to consult someone who is a current and slightly obsessive competitor (Gentry Stein, Colin Beckford, Zach Gormley) or someone who is one of the more experienced judges (Nathan Crissey, Hironori Mii) for a more accurate answer, or confirmation though. I've learned over the years that I'm far better at organizing contests than scoring them, and while I will judge in a pinch and my scores are pretty accurate, I don't stay current on how things are weighted, how the raw scores are processed, or any other aspect of tabulation. It's an aspect of yoyoing that has always kinda bored me so as soon as I could get myself out of it, I did. ;) -Steve

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Steve please go to the PA Slam. pwetty pwease

Maybe. I'll have to see if Augie wants to drive me. My family only has one car and I don't want to leave my wife and our 1-year old home without a car. -Steve
Liked by: ca9wolf

Is the bearing pre-lubed on the pool party banana hammock?

I believe it's lightly lubed. Should break in pretty quickly, although I know that's frequently still not fast enough for some people.
My personal recommendation for anyone who is concerned about break-in time on bearings is to just swap the bearing out of your return tops immediately, period. Everything shows up with a different amount of lube and needs a different amount of break-in time, and if it's a large enough concern that you need to ask about it, you'll *probably* be happier just throwing a clean bearing in right away and then putting the stock bearing in your "I need to clean these" pile. -Steve

Will you guys be a the PA Yoyo Slam?

Hadn't planned on it. Depends on my schedule that weekend but I might drive up just to check it out. -Steve
Liked by: Phil S

i am trying to learn trick but having troubel. what to do?

Break it down and just focus on individual components. Go really slow. You'll get it! -Steve

Another Wooly Marmot? Diameter close to around 53.5 - 54.5 mm and width around 44/45. Wouldnt even have to be called a Wooly Marmot I just liked the design of the WM2 and feel like it would do well with a bigger diameter.

A larger Wooly Marmot is basically a Peak. -Steve
Liked by: Joe Scharf


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