

Ask @CLYWOfficial

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In plain simple words would you be doing a yoyo that is a culmination of all of CLYW's design successes(wrt the OD y-factor question)??

I'm sorry dude, but you just read a little too far into some marketing copy. I know they got all flowery about "this is the culmination of everything we've learned" but the thing is...every single return top you design should be the culmination of everything you have learned to that point. And then the next one will be the culmination of everything plus that last one. And then the next one, and so on and so forth. So really, that copy is just saying "Like every human being on the planet, as we learn new things we apply them to the next situation that calls for them".
Not saying it's not a good return top. It might be, I've never tried it. But everything they make is "the culmination of everything they've learned", same as everything we make is the culmination of everything we've learned from every model before that one. -Steve

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Liked by: Felipe Tascon DA Marc M

What direction is CLYW going? Are sales declining or are the going off the charts? What plans do you have for 2016? Why so many new return tops? Aren't the ones you made already good? How much different can it get in play? Why the change in anodization? Is the old clyw style shifting? Why Steve?

CLYW is going forward, and up. Sales would be a lot better if we could keep up with demand, but that's a huge part of what we are doing with changing our supply chain and getting a couple of plastics in our line...just trying to make sure that everyone can get their hands on a CLYW in a reasonable time frame.
We have lots of plans for 2016, but it's a little much for you to ask me to lay them all out for you on Ask.fm, ha ha. Be patient. ;)
Why so many new return tops? It was just time. Time to let some old models go and make room for the new. The one's we were already making are great, but that doesn't meant that we couldn't do better.
The change in anodization...that we keep addressing and no one seems to want to hear the answer, ha ha. Our old anodizer (who we are still using), backed us way up to the point where he had 8 runs of our return tops in his warehouse waiting to be anodized. It pretty much crippled us for a couple of months, and then once he started blowing through them we could still only release a little at a time otherwise we would have been flooding the market with our own product and everyone who would normally buy it wouldn't have any money. So that would screw over our retailers, and us, and irritate our fans. All because an anodizer got backed up. So we started digging and found a couple of new anodizers to help lighten the load and make sure that we don't have production bottlenecks like that anymore. We like the new colors and options, and it seems like a lot of our fans do, too.
Is the old CLYW style shifting? Well, yeah. Nothing stays the same forever. I know that the return top community hates change, despises it in fact, but at some point everything has to grow and evolve or it becomes stagnant and dies. CLYW is changing and evolving, but it's still the same one guy making the decisions so as a consumer you have a choice: either you trust Chris, or you don't. If you don't, well, thanks for your support over the years and do give that new stuff from Recess and Axis and Luftverk a try. If you do trust Chris, like I do, then just hold tight because we have some amazing stuff coming 'round the bend.

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Hi clyw, for this new batch of orca. Which colourway were the least that you guys produce? And why?

There were only 8 pieces of Union Bay. -Steve

so you won't be manufacturing with one drop anymore? I thought you guys love their stuff

Not as much as we love the idea of making our Canadian-designed return tops in Canada. We've been wanting to get back to Canada-based manufacturing since the moment we left, but the machine shops just couldn't hold the tolerances. They've stepped their game up and got everything running smoothly and we are incredibly pleased to bring production home again. :) -Steve
Liked by: Felipe Tascon

Just got a gnarwhal, shame it's getting retired. I personally think it's really chill to play with and it one of my favorite CLYWs. Why do u think it isn't as popular as your other throws?

Thanks for the support, glad you like it!
Not sure why it didn't take off. I think people expected it to be too much like the first one, maybe? Which was a fun return top for sure, just not necessarily something you would compete with. I dunno. They sure missed out, though, didn't they? -Steve

Any chance you guys will be doing a yoyo akin to the OD Y-factor?(in concept ofcourse)

Cheap and undersized? No plans at the moment. -Steve

Really digging my nightfall borealis guys! It's quite a bit different than my chief and each one has unique qualities that I really like. Also, being so accessible to your customers really goes a long way in brand loyalty.Thanks so much and I can't wait to see what you guys have in store for 2016!

Thanks! Glad you dig it!! -Steve
Liked by: Marc M

Why the sudden change? I thought u guys decided to manufacture everything in china?

Actually, everything we said was the exact opposite of that.
What we've been saying for months and months and months now is that we're going to move production of a few models to China for quality reasons, but we're still going to make the bulk of our line in North America. And we are. But now it looks like we can finally move production out of the USA and back to Canada, which is what we have always wanted. And we're super excited about it! -Steve

hey steve, so you participate in big desicions for CLYW?

I participate, I help advise, and I help Chris gather up all the facts and see the problem from as many angles as possible; and then Chris makes the decisions. -Steve

I got my lost in space borealis today and the first throw i took, it was responsive. what is wrong?

Nothing is wrong. We use CTX bearings in our return tops, and these begin their lives semi-responsive. They are lubed at the factory, and we add a drop of thin lube (basically a bearing degreaser) to each one during the assembly process...this doesn't make them fully unresponsive, but it does help speed up the breaking-in process. Basically, if you run a bearing dry it shortens the life of the bearing. Allowing it to break in, and allowing the lube to break down naturally through play gives you a smoother playing bearing that will last a lot longer. If you have some patience and just wait it out, you will be rewarded with much better performance. -Steve
Liked by: William Balentine

Steve, perfect guitar setup for you?

Danelectro U-2 reissue, stock. I've been through pretty much everything...Fender, Gibson, G&L, all the sub-brands, Mosrite, weird vintage brands that aren't around anymore, new boutique brands, etc. and what I've found is this:
1. I'm not a very good guitar player.
2. I really like not worrying about my guitar.
3. I like light guitars.
Danelectro guitars are just such perfect beaters, with that cheap old blues tone that I've always loved. Very jangly, which I like, and those lipstick pickups always do it for me. If I was going to revisit anything that I used to have, I'd probably go back to a Fender Jaguar. -Steve

String length? I usually go 2 inches above my belly button but recently I've been "experimenting" with shorter and full length kitty and can't really decide witch is better. :c

Different for everyone. Some people never settle on one length...I still change mine up depending on my mood. -Steve

would a ceramic bearing be an effective bearing for yoyo's?

Plenty of people have released them over the years, and they work nicely. Although to be fair, the difference between bearings is really negligible until you hit a pretty high level of play. Mostly I would say you don't need to worry too much about it, but feel free to be a "gear nerd" about it if that makes you happy. I did it for a while with yoyos, with guitars, and now I'm doing it with camera gear. Eventually you figure out what works for you, and then you stop worrying about the gear so much. ;) -Steve

Canadian here. Maple syrup is a separate section of then food pyramid here. Hockey is taught in schools from kindergarten-grade 12. Poutine is a delicacy here, yet we eat it daily

Good to know. I'm still learning my Canadianisms. -Steve

I'm looking to buy a Return top from the CLYW site and im just wondering if its possible to ask for some stickers to come with it ? I'd be willing to pay for them if I have to

Not sure we have any stickers at the moment, just just include a note with your order that you want some and if we have some extras kicking around, we'll include them. :) -Steve

Tbh I really dislike the splash colors on the most recent run of the Borealis. They look ugly. I'm very picky when it comes to expensive throws and I certainly don't want them to look like that. I can forgive it if it was a b grade. What happened? 2011-2014 was where clyw colors were the best.

Well, I guess it's lucky for you that we're still making plenty of return tops with the old colorways that you love so much, and lucky for us that plenty of people also like the new ones. Everyone wins, isn't that great? -Steve


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