
Mark Anthony

What did the last text message you sent say?

"Sorry, don't have it".
In response to someone desperately seeking my attention, so she asks me about trivial things, like "Do you have _'s number?". If she had a real conversation with me she knows it wouldn't be genuine.

Latest answers from Mark Anthony

Rate your dancing skills from 1 (worst) to 10 (best)

3. I can jump around, do lazy things to a beat, but not enough to ever impress anyone. I've considered taking dance lessons.

Do you smile at strangers?

I wish I could. I try but in public I never feel as if I can trust folk. Sign of the times perhaps?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you RN?

5 for how I really feel, +1 because I always try and remember what is possible tomorrow morning.

What do you dream about?

Things I can never remember. Feelings that wash over me slowly enough that they leave a trail when I wake up, but fast enough that I cannot write down a summary of the dream without forgetting it halfway through. I see it as a testament to the state of my being currently. I exist in a life where I am constantly falling forward, never having time to look back and never having time to look ahead. And my dreams are just me falling forward, except I never remember that I'm falling forward. I don't have time to.

If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?

Probably show them a weapon, or some sort of incentive to stop, and tell them "Put it back or there's going to be problems." If they ran, I'd just get the police on the line.

Where would you like to live?

Dublin, Cork, Galway, maybe even Belfast. Where my ancestors come from. I don't feel like I belong in the New World, I need to be among my people, even if it's a completely new thing. It's worth adjusting to.

Why do you live here?

Because I was born here and still live here without choice. I cannot leave on my own until I am an adult, in two years. I don't belong here, I only feel at home in my own house (not in any social situations). I live here because for some reason my parents decided to come here.

I want to talk to someone I like but I get nervous. I don't know what to say and my face gets red, but I really want to be their friend.

You really should talk about how you really feel, and tell her about it in private. If you're too intimidated you could consider telling her you like her over the phone, but that's a bit impersonal. Things will go great, you have nothing to lose.

Language: English