

Ask @cocoonedsoul

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your most otpest otp?

Liked by: Cindy chiharu

who do you love to hate and hate to love?

cries oh sehun do you sense a pattern here. i think sehun is just so easy to hate and easy to love and he makes us all confused so we become passive aggressive. when it was kyungsoo's birthday everyone showered praised and love and cotton candy feels but when it was sehun's birthday all i saw on timeline was YOU BRAT FUCK OFF WE NEVER ASKED FOR YOU GO AWAY WAIT NO COMEBACK WAI WHAT IS THIS SOBS
Liked by: Cindy chiharu

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who would you vote off the exo island?

in terms of uselessness, sehun goodbye you are no help to our survival. don't you roll your eyes at me young man, you finished off the last of our food supply. be glad we're not eating you instead and /no/ baekhyun stop snickering i don't mean it /that/ way
Liked by: Cindy chiharu

fuck kill mary: jongin, jongdae, krystal

THIS IS CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT. jongdae is the only person in the world i could imagine marrying. but.
fuck jongin despite all the nope
kill jongdae
marry my princess
im sorry jongdae
Liked by: dante

baeksoo / rival ice cream trucks au

baekhyun has always called kyungsoo a frigid a ss hole with a stick up where the sun doesn't shine, among other choice insults, so he's not surprised when kyungsoo starts an ice cream truck business.
except owning an ice cream truck has always been /baekhyun's/ dream and he definitely can't let that ice prince steal his dreams.
at first it's all good and everyone goes to baekhyun's truck because he smiles all prettily, unlike kyungsoo who lets out this slightly murderous vibe always.
but then kyungsoo starts pushing out these popsicles that are shaped like flowers and penguins and the neighbourhood girls go crazy, constantly flocking around kyungsoo and treating him like ... well, a prince.
the ridiculous rivalry goes on. when baekhyun lowers his prices, kyungsoo comes out with a buy 1 free 1 deal. baekhyun gives his truck a new makeover and kyungsoo recruits chanyeol to serenade every 5th lucky customer.
finally, baekhyun gets mad and corners kyungsoo against the side of his ice cream truck and demands to know why kyungsoo always has to come steal his thunder, always has to one up him.
kyungsoo just smirks and lets his eyes drop down to baekhyun's lips before dragging his gaze up to meet baekhyun's. "just wondered when you would snap." he leans in closer, until their noses are almost touching and baekhyun has to fight the urge to flinch... or press forward. his brain hasn't decided yet. "you're so hot when you're angry."
cue furious makeout sessions while forgetting to close the freezer door. all the ice cream melts. the end.

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Liked by: oks

sudi CEOs au

kyungsoo is sent to negotiate a collaboration between his cosmetics line and the largest mall in south korea, but unfortunately the young ceo of the mall happens to kim joonmyun, the quiet kid that kyungsoo shot down back in highschool cruelly in front of half the school.
kyungsoo's eager to sweep it all under the rug and forget that time of questioning his sexual identity, but too bad sweet, quiet joonmyun is now an efficient terror on the business field and won't be making kyungsoo's job easy any time soon.
cue lots of passive aggressive power play and sexual tension over whiskey and kyungsoo leaving with joonmyun's cologne clinging to his skin and joonmyun's pretty lips stained in his mind, even if joonmyun did nothing physical beyond casual hints at flirting that night.
Liked by: xavier dante

you think jongin is hufflepuff? i would've put him in gryffy! how about the rest?

gryffindor - joonmyun, chanyeol, minseok, baekhyun
ravenclaw - jongdae, kyungsoo
hufflepuff - jongin
slytherin - yixing, sehun
i couldn't decide what baekhyun was and tlist kept telling me slytherin but it's the last house i would put him in. chanyeol tho he could be a slytherin but i like the idea of him as a gryffindor. jongin is a hufflepuff because JONGIN.
Liked by: cassie

Wow, your interpretation of them is so accurate and I feel like they fit your descriptions perfectly. Do you mind doing one for every member?

(this ask was re: the china line headcanons. i just answered it late)
joonmyun - joonmyun is the type to hold grudges. he quietly seethes when he thinks he's wronged and the anger bubbles just under the surface, almost visible, but stamped down with a smile because he has to be happy. he has to, as leader. he's very firm and takes responsibility very seriously because his road to debut isn't easy and he NEEDS to prove that they made a right decision.
sehun - i think sehun's secretly frustrated about being overlooked. everyone doesn't expect sehun to try, because look at jongin and his passion, look at yixing and his slick moves, sehun, if you just tried harder... so he ended up giving up. he does try hard, in his own way, unseen and unheard, and there are improvements but he's always overshadowed in every aspect. so he throws himself into things he loves instead- friends, family, material things, fashion.
kyungsoo - kyungsoo doesn't see what the big deal is. he's just doing his best at his job and gets surprised sometimes at the reaction he ignites. exo is loud. fans are loud. he didn't expect everything to be so loud. he just needs some quiet space but it's impossible to get me time in the cramped dorms with so many other people. still, he does really enjoy performing and takes every single activity seriously, even the silly cfs. he's ambitious, i think, already planning his post-exo career.
baekhyun - baekhyun has always been a natural performer. during the trainee times, he joined late so he needed to win over everyone and the best way to get approval is by being funny and charming. it's become a defense mechanism, almost, but the loudest people are also the most thoughtful. he's very observant of the surroundings and is the mood maker, quick to change any situation that could turn dark. but people tend to forget the hard work behind his smiles so that frustrates him sometimes.
jongdae - jongdae is nice. he's so nice that no one even dares to push him over because he's not naive, knows his way around society, but just approachable and considerate. jongdae is grateful for the opportunities he was given and is determined to make the most of it. he treats it all as a fun game to tackle because someone needs to keep smiling even when emotions run high. he's the balance, the one that smoothes out the tension and holds the team together. he's mayonnaise.
minseok - minseok still can't believe it. he can't believe he made it, that exo made it, that he's /popular/. he treads carefully each day and tries not to let it go to his head but he's obviously more comfortable and confident lately with himself, his dance, his body. everyone else in exo respects him deeply because they've picked up on the dark flashes hidden behind the constant smile and know minseok is the one they shouldn't piss off.
i think i've talked about my chanyeol and jongin headcanon enough. also i wrote an ot12 headcanon ago if you'd like to see what changed.

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Liked by: SayAyo1

do you thinl studying abroad gave you an advantage in your career?

it gave me a higher starter pay but that's only because my job is directly related to the country i studied in.
honestly, with so many kids studying abroad these days it's not a significant difference. in fact, i feel like there's some negative connotations? we spent so much time away we don't understand the local industry, and there's always the stereotype that study abroad students are rich and played instead of studied. so many people choose to do a semester abroad not because the school chosen has a good program, but because !! fuck yeah ! living overseas ! gonna have so much fun ! 
Liked by: Like Ask Bot Ameli

what kind of drama moments? jq your life is so A+

not rly lol one time i was at a jazz bar and a friend said he would teach me how to dance (slow dance? waltz? what is that dance you learn in highschool) but i was so terrible so we kept laughing and talking. then while we were pressed together i apologised for being socially incompetent it's because i don't go out much. and he suddenly went, "to write your fics?"
i froze?? asked him what he was talking about.
and he just casually said oh yeah he read them
so at the next song i spun into another guy's arms

do you think there's a job who doesn't require me to meet a lot of people? I'm afraid of new acquitance and crowd makes me dizzy :(

finance, IT or anything tech-related? all jobs require you to meet some degree of people but it's safe to say that tech-related jobs are less exposed to strangers.
graphic designer! software developer! digital marketing! you'll be e-meeting a lot of people but if you can word a pushy email, you'll be okay, i hope.
i hope everything works out ♥

you sound like you dislike chanyeol :|

nah he's my #2, but i can like him while disagreeing with him. i don't like his backhanded comments and i've pointed this out many times. it doesn't mean i dislike him. i like many things about him - his constant attempts to cheer up the mood, his ability to take the lead, his passion for music, just not this particular side of him.

Why do you like kailu so much? What do u think of the way kailu is portrayed in our fandom (fics in general, canon kailu etc.)?

hmm, i can't say i still like them as much with how happier luhan seems now. i have a long answer on why i like them here http://ask.fm/cocoonedsoul/answer/103542567565
as for how they're portrayed in fics, i don't like how earlier (and aff) kailu fics portrayed jongin as this mean overbearing guy and luhan as weak. luhan is anything but weak. he's probably one of the guys who stood to his resolve the most in exo back then. china line are all a bit more headstrong than korean line anyway. and come on, jongin, tough? he's so TENDER.
then kailu kinda died off and the only people that stuck around in kailu ficdom were the hardcore shippers and i liked the fics generated then! i like it when writers (pinkbit?? ree was Kailu Princess) write luhan as this crazy unhinged dude and jongin as a confused pup just following luhan's lead. i don't read angst so idk about that.

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Liked by: Like Ask Bot cassie

do you like sehun? what are your thoughts on him as a person?

sehun's alright. mind you, i only like a few select members in exo and the rest i'm neutral about. sehun's one of those i feel neutral about.
i think sehun's misunderstood a lot. he's ... forgotten? dismissed? he doesn't have the same passion as jongin or the same motivation of yixing, so he's content to hang back and just live in the shadows a bit but idol life just gets so /tiring/. people are constantly harping on him and sehun just wanted to be an idol because he was swept along with things. so he's getting sick of this and i think it shows. but he's a good kid. we don't expect all other manboys his age to have their shit together and only hang out with nice friends, so why should we expect that of sehun?

which celebrity would you like jongin to date?

the easiest person for everyone to ship him with is krystal but i don't really see how they can work unless it's one of those chic letsnottalk relationships.
i would love for him to date a noona, either a super cute shamelessly aegyotastic one like minah or a more confident lady like iu (sobs my queen) that will pet his hair and buy him toys.
Liked by: dante

do you think fanfiction can be considered literature? ç

technically, literature is anything written. i think literature is subjective. if a piece of writing calls to me and stays with me, it is literature.
Liked by: emmi J

wait but some chinese fans say we cannot say baekhyun was being racist and offending jongin because it is a cultural thing and we don't understand and we should stop shoving our foreign morals down their throat blablabla but you are uncomfortable too so....

to be fair, i consider myself a very westernised person. i understand both sides of the argument because i grew up in, and still live in a very traditional chinese background. there are so many politically incorrect things that the people around me say, whether it's homophobic slurs or negative terms, and they don't know better so i can't exactly blame them.
but the knowledge that it is politically incorrect and hurtful to some nags at me. i can't stay blissfully ignorant when i know some people might be triggered by it. i myself never minded racial slurs until i had them hurled at me on a weekly basis, so when i knew how deep the hurt can cut and how traumatised it can leave me, i couldn't ignore it.
Liked by: Cindy Khal Drogo

oh and can you tell us the story about jaehyo complimenting your skin?

that was during a fansigning when i was 18. we prepared post its for each member and because i was asking them for a lot of things (answer my questions, draw hearts by the signatures) and we got to high five each member, i was standing in front of each member for some time. my favourite is jihoon so when i got to jaehyo i kinda just brushed past him to get to jihoon but he just said, "your skin is good. i'm jealous." and gave me the stupidest little smile as he high fived me and ??? human god??? jaehyo??? just????
but the funniest thing was, minhyuk ignored my request for a heart so i turned towards kyung without high fiving him and i guess he thought he had to do it anyway. he reached out and bumped my elbow with a fist and then we stared at each other awkwardly until i held my palm out and he sheepishly high fived me. meanwhile kyung was like LOLOLOLOLOLOL

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Liked by: Cindy


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